Cool show of motion animation that likens itself to the periodic table of elements. It was created for a better understanding of motion in animation.
Adobe After Effects (CS6) software was used as a basis for the preparation method. Since the program has a number of assumptions and may be similar in operations with other similar software, it should serve well as a reference / guide.

The animation as grouped by families:
Group 1: Offset, rotation system
Group 2: Transformation / metamorphosis system
Group 3: Time OS
Group 4-8: Special
Group 9: Script-based
Group 10: Warp system
Group 11: Diffusion system
Group 12-13: Blur, light system
Group 14: Movement lines
Group 15: Rotation system
Group 16: Scaling/ reduction system (??)
Group 17: Trimming system
Group 18: Fractal system
度もありがとうござます Kazuki Akamine さん!!
credit source and see it in action: foxcodex