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員: person; employee

By August 10, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


員 [员] yuán

: person; employee; member; personnel

Kun Reading

涼む | すずむ suzumu

godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: to cool oneself; to cool off; to enjoy evening cool

On Reading

員 | いん in

noun | noun suffix
: member


員[员]工 yuan2’gong1: staff; personnel; employee
員[员]外 yuan2wai4: landlord (old usage)
[員外 | いんがい ingai: non-membership]
員警 [员警] yuan2jing1: police officer; policeman
人員[员] ren2yuan2: staff; crew; personnel
[人員 | じんいん jinin: number of persons; personnel]

傷殘人員 [伤残人员] shang1 can2 ren2 yuan2: the injured; wounded personnel
氣像人員 [气像人员] qi4 xiang4 ren2 yuan2: meteorologist
[気象学者 | きしょうがくしゃ Kishou gakusha]

委員[员] wei3yuan2: committee member; committee; council
[委員 | いいん iin: committee member]
黨員 [党员] dang3yuan2: political party member
動員 [动员] dong4yuan2: to mobilize; to arouse; mobilization
[動員 | どういん douin: mobilization]

職業運動員 [职业运动员] zhi2 ye4 yun4 dong4 yuan2: professional (athlete); pro
體操運動員 [体操运动员] ti3 cao1 yun4 dong4 yuan2: gymnast
[体操選手 | たいそうせんしゅ taisou senshu: gymnast]  
長跑運動員 [长跑运动员] chang2 pao3 yun4 dong4 yuan2: long distance runner
[長距離走者 | ちょうきょりそうしゃ choukyou risousha: long-distance runner]

演員[员] yan3yuan2: actor or actress; performer
教員[员] jiao4yuan2: teacher; instructor
[教員 | きょういん kyouin: teaching staff]
會員 [会员] hui4yuan2: member
[会員 | かいいん kaiin: member; the membership]
社員[员] she4yuan2: commune member (PRC, 1958-1985); member of a society (or other organization)
[社員 | しゃいん shain: company employee
: company stockholders (esp. in legal contexts); members of a corporation]
服務員 [服务员] fu2 wu4 yuan2: waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
員に備わるのみ | いんにそなわるのみ in ni sona warunomi
: being a member of staff but useless as a worker

猛烈社員 | もうれつしゃいん mouretsu shain
: (yoji) gung-ho organization (corporate) man (woman); go-getter worker; hard-driving worker; workaholic employee

藍衣社員 | らんいしゃいん rani shain
: (yoji) blue-collar; blue-collar worker (employee)

象形 Pictographic.
Picture of tripod showing its round opening.

假借 Phonetic Loan.
Original form of (yuan2: circle; complete).

Suggested Mnemonic.
People who conduct business 貝 by talking 口.

簡體 Simplified.
员. Derived from generic character simplification rule #4 (貝 » 贝) via usage of grass script form of character.


かのじょははけんしゃいんです kanojo wa hakenshain desu
She is a temp.

ni3de yuan2gong1 hen3 wu2li3
Your staff is very rude.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary