Election posters to move people to vote.
E pluribus unum, Out of many, one. (Out of many: peoples, races, religions, languages, and ancestries, a single people / nation emerge)

As Obama said in the Democratic National Convention (July 27, 2016), the constitution says “WE, the people… .” So WE stand as one. United. Stronger together.

Let your voice be heard. We all have to come out in troves to show that bigotry, racism, religiophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, fear mongering and in-fighting does not and will not take root in this society.
Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC speech
Obama’s positive and hopeful 2016 DNC full speech.

Clinton’s 2016 DNC acceptance speech (July 28, 2016)
credit source: digitalartsonline.co.uk