秋 qīu
: autumn; fall
: harvest time
: a swing
秌 [秋] qīu
: autumn; fall
鞦 [秋] qīu
: a swing
Kun Reading
秋 | あき aki
temporal noun
: autumn; fall
On Reading
シュウ shuu
四季 si4ji4: four seasons
春 chun1: spring
夏 xia4: summer
秋 qiu1: autumn
冬 dong1: winter
秋天 qiu1tian1: autumn
秋季 qiu1ji4: autumn; fall
[しゅうき shuuki: fall season; autumn season]
秋收 qiu1shou1: fall harvest; to reap
秋令 qiu1ling4: autumn; autumn weather
秋分 qiu1fen1: Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms 二十四节气 23rd September-7th October
[しゅうぶん shuubun: autumnal equinox; autumn equinox; fall equinox]
中秋 zhong1qiu1: the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month
[ちゅうしゅう chuushuu OR ちゅうじゅう chuujuu: 15th day of the 8th lunar month]
中秋節 [中秋节] zhong1 qiu1 jie2: the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month
春秋 chun1qiu1: spring and autumn; four seasons; year; a person’s age; annals (used in book titles); Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC); Spring and Autumn Annals, chronicle of Lu State (722-481 BC)
[はるあき haruaki OR しゅんじゅう shunjuu: spring and autumn; spring and fall; months and years
: the Chronicles of Lu or the Spring and Autumn Annals – one of the Five Classics]
仲秋 zhong4qiu1: second month of autumn; 8th month of the lunar calendar
[なかあき nakaaki OR ちゅうしゅう chuushuu OR ちゅうじゅう chuujuu: 15th day of the 8th lunar month]
初秋 chu1qiu1: early autumn; 7th month of the lunar calendar
[はつあき hatsuaki OR しょしゅう shoshuu: early autumn (fall)]
千秋 qian1qiu1: a thousand years; your birthday (honorific)
[せんしゅう senshuu: thousand years; many years]
黃秋葵 [黄秋葵] huang2 qiu1 kui2
OR 秋葵莢 [秋葵荚] qiu1 kui2 jia2: okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady’s fingers
鞦韆 [秋千] qiu1qian1: swing; seesaw; trapeze [鞦韆 | ぶらんこ buranko: swing]
秋葉原 qiu1 ye4 yuan2 [あきはばら Akihabara]

Akihabara gained the nickname Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街 Akihabara Denki Gai) shortly after World War II for being a major shopping center for household electronic goods and the post-war black market. Nowadays, Akihabara is considered by many to be an otaku cultural center and a shopping district for video games, anime, manga, and computer goods. Icons from popular anime and manga are displayed prominently on the shops in the area, and numerous maid cafés are found throughout the district.
— wikipedia
photo credit: coolphotojapan
Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
秋田犬 | あきたけん akita ken OR あきたいぬ akita inu: Akita (breed of dog)
秋風落莫 | しゅうふうらくばく shuufuu rakubaku
: (yoji) forlorn and helpless; lonely and desolate
*一日三秋 | いちにちさんしゅう ichinichi sanshuu OR いちじつさんしゅう ichijitsu sanshuu
: (yoji) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity
一日千秋 | いちにちせんしゅう ichinichi senshuu OR いちじつせんしゅう ichijitsu senshuu
: (yoji) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity
: One Day Seems Like 1000 Years
媚眼秋波 | びがんしゅうは bigan shuuha
: (yoji) casting a coquettish (an amorous) glance (at a man)
**春夏秋冬 | しゅんかしゅうとう shunka shuutou
: (yoji) spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter; the four seasons
***暗送秋波 | あんそうしゅうは ansou shuuha
: (yoji) giving an amorous sidelong look; casting an amorous glance (at); playing up to someone behind the scenes
春花秋月 | しゅんかしゅうげつ shunka shuugetsu
: (yoji) spring flowers and the autumn moon; beauty of nature as it changes from season to season
秋の日は釣瓶落とし | あきのひはつるべおとし aki no hi wa tsurubeotoshi
: the autumn sun sets as quickly as a bucket dropping into a well
秋の鹿は笛に寄る | あきのしかはふえによる aki no shika wa fueni yoru
: people may bring about their demise for love (like a deer coming forth when it hears a hunter’s whistle in mating season); it is easy to have one’s weak points taken advantage of
秋茄子は嫁に食わすな | あきなすはよめにくわすな aki nasu wa yome ni kuwasuna
: don’t feed autumn eggplant to your wife (because they’re too delicious, because they’ll give her the chills, or because their lack of seeds will reduce her fertility)
物言えば唇寒し秋の風 | ものいえばくちびるさむしあきのかぜ mono ieba kuchibiru samushi aki no kaze
: Silence is golden
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
秋後算帳 [秋后算帐] qiu1 hou4 suan4 zhang4
: lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest; to wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts; to bide time for revenge
秋毫無犯 [秋毫无犯] qiu1 hao2 wu2 fan4
: lit. not harming a new feather; not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers); would not hurt a fly
秋荼密網 [秋荼密网] qiu1 tu2 mi4 wang3
: flowering autumn grass, fine net; fig. abundant and exacting punishments prescribed by law
秋菊傲霜 qiu1 ju2 ao4 shuang1
: the autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost
*一日三秋 yi1 ri4 san1 qiu1
: a single day apart seems like three seasons
一葉知秋 [一叶知秋] yi1 ye4 zhi1 qiu1
: lit. the falling of one leaf heralds the coming of autumn; fig. a small sign can indicate a great trend; a straw in the wind
一雨成秋 yi1 yu3 cheng2 qiu1
: a sudden shower towards the end of summer brings an abrupt arrival of autumn
千秋萬代 [千秋万代] qian1 qiu1 wan4 dai4
: throughout the ages
各有千秋 ge4 you3 qian1 qiu1
: each has its own merits
多事之秋 duo1 shi4 zhi1 qiu1
: troubled times; eventful period
秋風過耳 [秋风过耳] qiu1 feng1 guo4 er3
: lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear; not in the least concerned
**春夏秋冬 chun1 xia4 qiu1 dong1
: the four seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter
冰壺秋月 [冰壶秋月] bing1 hu2 qiu1 yue4
: ice jug and autumn moon (from poem by Song writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡); fig. spotless white and pure; flawless person
送秋波 song4 qiu1 bo1
: to cast flirtatious glances at sb
***暗送秋波 an4 song4 qiu1 bo1
春秋大夢 [春秋大梦] chun1 qiu1 da4 meng4
: grand dreams; unrealistic ideas
明察秋毫 ming2 cha2 qiu1 hao2
: lit. seeing clearly the downy feather of autumn (from Mencius); fig. sensitive to the finest detail; to distinguish right and wrong with acuity; omniscient
萬古千秋 [万古千秋] wan4 gu3 qian1 qiu1
: for all eternity
老氣橫秋 [老气横秋] lao3 qi4 heng2 qiu1
: old and decrepit; proud of one’s age and experience
秋風掃落葉 [秋风扫落叶] qiu1 feng1 sao3 luo4 ye4
: lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves; to drive out the old and make a clean sweep
一日不見,如隔三秋 [一日不见,如隔三秋] yi1 ri4 bu4 jian4 , ru2 ge2 san1 qiu1
: one day apart seems like three years
春生,夏長,秋收,冬藏 [春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏] chun1 sheng1 , xia4 zhang3 , qiu1 shou1 , dong1 cang2
: sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter
形声 Pictophonetic.
革 (ge4: leather radical 177) suggests the meaning while
秋 (qiu1: autumn) provides the sound.
䆋 qiu1: autumn
あきになりました aki ni narimashita
Autumn is here.
jiu4yao1 ru4 qiu1 le
Autumn is just around the corner.
秋の下で – Aqua Timez
自轉車 空き缶
空っぽのブランコ 微かな日差し
人を 物事を 街を 木々の襟元を
戀に落ち 待ち 鳴らぬ電話
青い巡戀歌 紡いでくペンが
人は氣付かない 氣付かないフリをする
與えられた能力 條件 立場
選べないことはあるだろう 誰にだって
道は足元からしか續かない 選べばいい
ごねるか 愚癡るか
引き延ばすか 拗ねるか
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 散りゆく秋の赤に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 生き拔くことを誓え
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 散りゆく秋の赤に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 生き拔くことを誓え
午後6時 もちろんブランコは空席
たいまつを羨むだけで 動かない自分を
so 夜の向こうで笑おう
手探り進行 始めの一步
不格好でいい 轉んでなんぼ
stand up 歌うがまま
あるがまんま 凜々しくあるその姿
さあ試練よ 我を鍛えよ
決めるのはそう こっちの方なんだ
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 流れ落ちてく汗に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 耐え拔くことを誓え
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 燃え盡きる流星に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 輝くことを誓え
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 散りゆく秋の赤に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 生き拔くことを誓え
Fight for your lifetime only one chance
一つ 一つ 散りゆく秋の赤に
Sing like that today is the last live
強く 強く 生き拔くことを誓え
credit: Aqua Timez