虍 hū
radical 141
: stripes of a tiger
: “tiger” radical in Chinese characters
虎 hǔ
: tiger
虎 | とら tora
: tiger (Panthera tigris)
: (Colloquialism) drunk person
虎冠 | とらかんむり torakanmuri
: kanji “tiger” radical
虍部 | コ ko
: Radical 141 meaning “tiger” is 1 of 29 Kangxi radicals
虎口 hu3kou3: tiger’s den; dangerous place; the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
[虎口 | ここう kokou: tiger’s den; jaws of death; dangerous place]
虎子 hu3zi1: tiger cub; brave young man
[虎子 | こし koshi: bedpan; chamber pot; potty;
: (Archaism) baby tiger
OR まる maru: bedpan; chamber pot; potty]
虎将 hu3jiang4: valiant general
五虎將 [五虎将] wu3 hu3 jiang4
: Liu Bei’s five great generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, namely: Guan Yu 關羽|关羽, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞, Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云, Ma Chao 馬超|马超, Huang Zhong 黃忠|黄忠

老虎 lao3hu3: tiger [虎 | とら tora]
伏虎 fu2hu3: to subdue a tiger; fig. to prevail over sinister forces
壁虎 bi4hu3: gecko; house lizard
[守宮 OR 家守 | やもり yamari: gecko; house lizard]
寅虎 yin2hu3: Year 3, year of the Tiger (e.g. 2010)
美洲虎 mei3 zhou1 hu3: jaguar
Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
*虎視眈眈 | こしたんたん koshitantan
: (yoji) (watching) vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon; with an eagle eye
前虎後狼 | ぜんここうろう zenko kourou
:(yoji) one calamity followed close on the heels of another; out of the frying pan into the fire; tiger in front, wolf in the back
****後門の虎前門の狼 | こうもんのとらぜんもんのおおかみ koumon no tora zenmon no ookami
前門の虎後門の狼 | ぜんもんのとらこうもんのおおかみ zenmon no tora koumon no ookami
: between the devil and the deep sea; out of the frying pan into the fire
**暴虎馮河 | ぼうこひょうが bouko hyouga
: (yoji) foolhardy courage
***羊質虎皮 | ようしつこひ youshitsu kohi
: (yoji) sheep in a tiger’s skin; gimcrack; showy without real worth; all show and no substance
市に虎あり | いちにとらあり ichi ni tora ari
: people will believe something false if many agree that it is true (an example of argumentum ad populum); there’s a tiger in the market
竜虎相搏つ | りゅうこあいうつ ryuuko aiutsu
: Diamonds cut diamonds
騎虎の勢い | きこのいきおい kiko no ikioi
: having no choice but to carry on; having no choice but to go on; unable to change one’s course of action; a man riding a tiger cannot disembark halfway through
群羊を駆って猛虎を攻む | ぐんようをかってもうこをせむ gunyou o katte mou ko o semu
: Union is strength
虎の威を借る狐 | とらのいをかるきつね tora no i o karu kitsune
: person who swaggers about under borrowed authority; small man acting arrogantly through borrowed authority; a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger
****虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず | こけつにいらずんばこじをえず koketsu ni irazunba koji o ezu
: nothing ventured, nothing gained
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
虎口餘生 [虎口余生] hu3 kou3 yu2 sheng1
: to escape from the tiger’s mouth; to have a narrow escape
*虎視眈眈 [虎视眈眈] hu3 shi4 dan1 dan1
: to glare like a tiger watching his prey; to eye covetously
虎頭蛇尾 [虎头蛇尾] hu3 tou2 she2 wei3
: lit. tiger’s head, snake’s tail; fig. a strong start but weak finish
三人成虎 san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3
: three men talking makes a tiger; repeated rumor becomes a fact
如狼似虎 ru2 lang2 si4 hu3
: lit. like wolves and tigers; ruthless
如虎添翼 ru2 hu3 tian1 yi4
: lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power
勢成騎虎 [势成骑虎] shi4 cheng2 qi2 hu3
: if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off; fig. impossible to stop halfway
殺虎斬蛟 [杀虎斩蛟] sha1 hu3 zhan3 jiao1
: lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly dragon
**暴虎馮河 [暴虎冯河] bao4 hu3 ping2 he2
: lit. fight tiger bare handed and wade rivers; fig. bull-headed heroism
縱虎歸山 [纵虎归山] zong4 hu3 gui1 shan1
: lit. to let the tiger return to the mountain; fig. to store up future calamities
羊入虎口 yang2 ru4 hu3 kou3
: lit. a lamb in a tiger’s den; fig. to tread dangerous ground
***羊質虎皮 [羊质虎皮] yang2 zhi4 hu3 pi2
: lit. the heart of a sheep in the skin of a tiger; fig. impressive in appearance but lacking in substance; braggart
生龍活虎 sheng1 long2 huo2 hu3
: lit. lively dragon and animated tiger; fig. vigorous and lively
照貓畫虎 [照猫画虎] zhao4 mao1 hua4 hu3
: lit. drawing a tiger using a cat as a model; fig. to pretend to do something without understanding it
盤龍臥虎 [盘龙卧虎] pan2 long2 wo4 hu3
: lit. coiled dragon, crouching tiger; fig. talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent
臥虎藏龍 [卧虎藏龙] wo4 hu3 cang2 long2
: lit. hidden dragon, crouching tiger; fig. talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, movie by Ang Lee 李安 Li3 An1
調虎離山 [调虎离山] diao4 hu3 li2 shan1
: to move the tiger from the mountain; to lure an opponent out by a stratagem; to get rid of an opponent or a problem; to maneuver sb out of the way
談虎色變 [谈虎色变] tan2 hu3 se4 bian4
: to turn pale at the mention of a tiger; to be scared at the mere mention of
豺狼虎豹 chai2 lang2 hu3 bao4
: jackals, wolves, tigers and panthers; animals who are dangerous to man and cattle; fierce and cruel people
養虎傷身 [养虎伤身] yang3 hu3 shang1 shen1
養虎遺患 [养虎遗患] yang3 hu3 yi2 huan4
: Rear a tiger and court disaster. fig. if you’re too lenient with sb, he will damage you later; to cherish a snake in one’s bosom
養虎為患 [养虎为患] yang3 hu3 wei2 huan4
: lit. to nurture a tiger invites calamity; fig. to indulge one’s enemy is asking for trouble
龍爭虎鬥 [龙争虎斗] long2 zheng1 hu3 dou4
: lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battles; fierce battle between giants
虎毒不食子 hu3 du2 bu4 shi2 zi3
: a tiger, though cruel, will not devour its cubs; even wild beasts look after their young
虎父無犬子 [虎父无犬子] hu3 fu4 wu2 quan3 zi3
: lit. father a lion (tiger), son cannot be a dog (honorific). With a distinguished father such as you, the son is sure to do well. Like father, like son
九牛二虎之力 jiu3 niu2 er4 hu3 zhi1 li4
: tremendous strength
前怕狼後怕虎 [前怕狼后怕虎] qian2 pa4 lang2 hou4 pa4 hu3
: lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind; fig. needless fears; scare mongering; reds under the beds
拉大旗作虎皮 la1 da4 qi2 zuo4 hu3 pi2
: lit. to wave a banner as if it were a tiger skin; fig. to borrow sb’s prestige; to take the name of a great cause as a shield
****不入虎穴,焉得虎子 bu4 ru4 hu3 xue2 , yan1 de2 hu3 zi3
: How do you catch the tiger cub without entering the tiger’s lair? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
兩虎相爭,必有一傷 [两虎相争,必有一伤] liang3 hu3 xiang1 zheng1 , bi4 you3 yi1 shang1
: if two tigers fight, one must get injured; if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt
*****前門打虎,後門打狼 [前门打虎,后门打狼] qian2 men2 da3 hu3 , hou4 men2 da3 lang2
: to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back; fig. facing one problem after another
象形 Pictographic.
Picture of a tiger standing on hind legs 儿.
Historical variant:
乕 hu3: tiger; brave, fierce
“Tiger” radical #141
かれはとらがすき kare wa tora ga suki
He likes tigers.
chu1sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4wei4 hu3
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. [lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger; fig. the fearlessness of youth]
Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary