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敕: imperial order; edict


敕 chì

: imperial order or decree; edict
: to correct

Kun Reading

勅 | みことのり mikotonori

: imperial decree; imperial edict

On Reading

勅 | ちょく choku

: imperial decree; imperial edict


敕令 chi4ling4: Imperial order or edict old)
[勅令 | ちょくれい chokurei: (imperial) edict]
敕封 chi4feng1: to appoint somebody to a post or confer a title on somebody by imperial order
敕答書 [敕答书] chi4 da2 shu1: rescript

敕 chi4: an imperial order or decree =
shu4: bind, control, restrain; bale +
pu1: tap radical 66

Specialized Semantic / Japanese Variant:
勅 [敕] chi4
[imashimeru, mikotonori. on: choku]

敇 chi4: imperial command or edict

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary