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鉞: battle-axe


鉞 [钺] yuè

: battle-axe; broad-axe; halberd


Kun Reading

鉞 | まさかり masakari

: broadaxe

On Reading

エツ etsu


斧鉞 fu3yue4: battle-ax [ふえつ fuetsu: axe]

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
不避斧鉞 [不避斧钺] bu4 bi4 fu3 yue4
: don’t avoid the battle-ax; soldier must face danger bravely

刀鋸斧鉞 [刀锯斧钺] dao1 ju4 fu3 yue4
: knife, saw, ax and hatchet; facing torture and execution

白旄黃鉞 [白旄黄钺] bai2 mao2 huang2 yue4
: white banner and yellow battle-ax; refers to military expedition


形声 Pictophonetic.
(jin1: gold; metal radical 167) suggests the meaning while
(yue4: halberd 戈 radical 62) provides the sound.

Variant / Semantic:
戉 (yue4: halberd 戈 radical 62) provides the sound.

简写 Simplified.
钺. Derived from generic radical simplification #9 (釒金 » 钅).

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary