亮 liàng
adjective | verb
: bright; clear; resonant; brilliant, radiant; light
: to shine; to show; to reveal
none applicable
明らか | あきらか akiraka
na-adjective | noun
: obvious; evident; clear; plain
リョウ ryou
亮光 liang4guang1: light; beam of light; gleam of light; light reflected from an object
[names: あきみつ Akimitsu OR すけみつ Sukemitsu]亮相 liang4xiang4: a still pose on stage; to appear in public; to reveal one’s position; to see the light of day
亮點[点] liang4dian3: highlight; bright spot
亮出 liang4chu1: to suddenly reveal; to flash (one’s ID, a banknote etc)
亮堂 liang4tang2: bright; clear
月亮 yue4liang: moon(‘s glow)
明亮 ming2liang4: bright; shining; glittering; to become clear [めいりょう meiryou: clarity; clearness]
响亮 xiang3liang4: loud and clear; resounding
光亮 guang1liang4: bright
[names: こうすけ Kousuke; こうりょう Kouryou OR みつあき Mitsuaki; みつすけ Mitsusuke; みつよし Mitsuyoshi]天亮 tian1lliang4: dawn; daybreak
洪亮 hong2liang4: loud and clear; resonant
漂亮 piao4liang4: beautiful
[美い | うっつい uttsui: beautiful美しい | うつくしい utsukushii: beautiful; lovely
美人 | びじん bijin: beautiful person (woman)]

諸葛亮 Zhuge Liang (181–234), courtesy name Kongming (孔明), was a military leader and chancellor of the state of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period. He is recognized as the greatest and most accomplished strategist of his era, and has been compared to another great ancient Chinese strategist, Sun Tzu.
Zhuge Liang was an important military strategist (serving under Liu Bei), statesman and accomplished scholar and inventor. His reputation as an intelligent and learned scholar grew even while he was living in relative seclusion, earning him the nickname “Wolong” or “Fulong” (both literally mean “Crouching Dragon”).
The wisdom of Zhuge Liang was popularized by the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, written by Luo Guanzhong during the Ming dynasty. In it, Zhuge Liang is portrayed as a sage and military genius; mastermind, able to perform fantastical achievements such as summoning advantageous winds and devising magical stone mazes.
Zhuge is an uncommon two-character Chinese compound family name. His name – even his surname alone – has become synonymous with intelligence and strategy in Chinese culture.
– wikipedia
photo credit: the news lens
Japanese common word
亮月 | りょうげつ ryougestu: bright moonlight
亮直 | りょうちょく ryouchoku: rightfulness
亮察 | りょうさつ ryousatsu: consideration; taking into account; sympathy with
亮然 | りょうぜん ryouzen: clear; obvious
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
擦亮眼睛 ca1 liang4 yan3 jing1
: remove the scales from one’s eyes; sharpen one’s vigilance
高風亮節 [高风亮节] gao1 feng1 liang4 jie2
: of noble character and unquestionable integrity
事後諸葛亮 [事后诸葛亮] shi4 hou4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
: a genius in retrospect; hindsight is 20-20
蠟燭不點不亮 [蜡烛不点不亮] la4 zhu2 bu4 dian3 bu4 liang4
: lit. the candle is not bright without being lighted. Some people have to be pushed for them to take action
三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮 [三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮] san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , he2 cheng2 yi1 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
: lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius; fig. collective wisdom
打開天窗說亮話 [打开天窗说亮话] da3 kai1 tian1 chuang1 shuo1 liang4 hua4
: not to mince words; not to beat about the bush
会意 Associative Compound.
Person 儿 (er2: son; child radical 10) looking up at a
tall building 高 (gao1: high; tall).
Historical variant:
ろうどうしゃのおおくはうえでしんだ roudousha no ooku wa uede shinda
Many of the workers died of hunger.
今天妳最漂亮 – Show Lo 羅志祥
风希望 花能做 他的新娘 嫁纱就是花香
爱结束 单行的 小流浪 在无名指上
坏男孩 恋上 幸福梦想
我希望 有首歌 能将永恒 为你献唱
妳迎著光 微笑绽放 我看见爱情为妳不死的模样
花希望 美是她 的伴娘 今天妳最漂亮
从今后 我牵挂 的风向永远都一样
风希望 花能做 他的新娘 嫁纱就是花香
爱结束 单行的 小流浪 在无名指上
坏男孩 恋上 幸福梦想
我希望 有首歌 能将永恒 为妳献唱
妳迎著光 微笑绽放 我看见爱情为妳不死的模样
花希望 美是她 的伴娘 今天你最漂亮
从今后 我牵挂 的风向永远都一样
当风将 这首歌 轻轻唱 我爱妳 勿忘
credit: Show Lo 羅志祥
Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary