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久: (long) time

By November 5, 2015December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


久 jǐu

adjective | adverb
: (long) time; (long) duration of time, time passage

Kun Reading

久しい | ひさしい hisashii

: long; long-continued; old (story)

久しく | ひさしく hisashiku

: for a long time

On Reading

キュウ kyuu
ク ku


久久 jiu3jiu3: for a very long time
[久々 | ひさびさ hisabisa: (in a) long time; long time (ago); while (ago); long ago; long while (ago); (in a) long while]
久之 jiu3zhi3: for a long time
久仰 jiu3yang3: honorific: I’ve long looked forward to meeting you. It’s an honor to meet you at last
久別[别] jiu3bie2: a long period of separation
久已 jiu3yi3: long ago; a long time since
不久 bu4jjiu3: not long (after); before too long; soon; soon after
悠久 you1jiu3: long (tradition, history etc)
[悠久 | ゆうきゅう yuukyuu: eternity; perpetuity; permanence]
好久 hao3jiu3: quite a while

好久不見 [好久不见] hao3 jiu3 bu5 jian4: Long time no see

持久 chi2jiu3: lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long
[持久 | じきゅう jikyuu: endurance; persistence]
長[长]久 chang2jiu3: (for a) long time
[長久 | ちょうきゅう choukyuu: permanence; perpetuity;
: Choukyuu era (1040.11.10-1044.11.24)]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
お久し振り | おひさしぶり ohisashiburi
: a long time (since the last time); it’s been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc., you); long time no see!

*天長地久 | てんちょうちきゅう tenchou chikyuu
: (yoji) coeval with heaven and earth

恒久不変 | こうきゅうふへん koukyuu fuhen
: (yoji) permanent and immutable

久闊を叙する | きゅうかつをじょする kyuukatsu o jo suru
: to apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologize)

驕る平家は久しからず | おごるへいけはひさしからず ogoru heike wa hisashi karazu
: (proverb) pride goes before a fall; pride comes before a fall; the proud Heike family does not last long

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom | proverb
久別重逢 [久别重逢] jiu3 bie2 chong2 feng2
: to meet again after a long period of separation

久慕盛名 jiu3 mu4 sheng4 ming2
: I’ve admired your reputation for a long time. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. It’s an honor to meet you at last.

久病成醫 [久病成医] jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1
: (proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor
久病成良醫 [久病成良医] jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1
: long illness makes the patient into a good doctor

久仰大名 jiu3 yang3 da4 ming2
: I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time

久聞大名 [久闻大名] jiu3 wen2 da4 ming2
: your name has been known to me for a long time

*天長地久 [天长地久] tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3
地久天長 [地久天长] di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2
: enduring while the world lasts (from Laozi); eternal; for ever and ever (of friendship, hate etc)

天長日久 [天长日久] tian1 chang2 ri4 jiu3
: after a long time

日久生情 ri4 jiu3 sheng1 qing2
: familiarity breeds fondness

長生久視 [长生久视] chang2 sheng1 jiu3 shi4
: to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears

分久必合,合久必分 fen1 jiu3 bi4 he2 , he2 jiu3 bi4 fen1
: lit. that which is long divided must unify, and that which is long unified must divide (from 三國演義|三国演义 San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4); fig. things are constantly changing

路遙知馬力,日久見人心 [路遥知马力,日久见人心] lu4 yao2 zhi1 ma3 li4 , ri4 jiu3 jian4 ren2 xin1
: just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person’s true heart (proverb)


none applicable


夊 [夂] sui1

: slow [Radical 35]  
[kun: すいにょう suinyou. on: すい sui]

zhi1: follow/go

: follow/go [Radical 34]  
[kun: しゅう shuu, ふゆがしら fugurashira. on: ち chi]

Historical Variant:
乆 jiu3: long time (ago)

ひさくかれにあわない hisaku kare ni awanai
I haven’t seen him for a long time.


好久不見 – Jay Chou 周杰伦


好久不見 你還好嗎
你的小狗 長大了嗎
我的圍巾 還圍著嗎
我的相片 都丟了吧


*麥擱一個人咧生氣 乎伊煩惱 乎伊操心
雖然不關我的代誌 誰叫他是我的兄弟 耶
攏這麼久就唰唰去 想想秋天就馬過去 耶
冬天來臨他會怕冷 你不回來甘講要我抱伊
按呢甘好 是我不好 我沒有緊緊抱住你(緊緊抱住你)
如果等雨一起(等雨一起) 流下不讓同情發現

我對天空這個那個流星 大喊後會不會有奇蹟
 就算做朋友也沒關係 為你改變了自己都不認識自己
 不是我跑去了整形 只是我拿出真心

 開一瓶這個那個香檳 去我的Mr.J餐廳
 點蠟燭順便吃個甜品 慶祝你打死不連絡的毅力
 冷戰早已經不流行 趕快回來到 我身邊

Repeat *

credit: Jay Chou 周杰倫

但願人長久 – Faye Wong 王菲


Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary