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崢: excel; lofty

By September 25, 2015January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


崢 [睁] zhēng

: to open (one’s eyes); stare

Kun Reading
none applicable

On Reading

崢 | ソウ sou

: high; steep


崢嶸 [峥嵘] zheng1rong2: towering; lofty and steep (mountains); extraordinary; outstanding
崢巆 zheng1ying2: lofty (of mountain); deep (of valley)

Chinese expression | idiom
歲月崢嶸 [岁月峥嵘] sui4 yue4 zheng1 rong2
: eventful years; momentous times

頭角崢嶸 [头角峥嵘] tou2 jiao3 zheng1 rong2
: promise of brilliant young person; showing extraordinary gifts


形声 Pictophonetic.
山 (shan1: mountain) suggests the meaning while
(zheng1: to dispute; to fight) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary