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而: and; and yet; but

By August 20, 2015January 28th, 2021Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


而 ér

conjunction | adverb | radical 126
: and; as well as; and so
: but (not); yet (not)
: (indicates causal relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast)

Kun Reading

而も | しかも shikamo

: moreover; furthermore; nevertheless; and yet

而して | そして soshite OR しかして shikashite

: and; and then; thus; and now

而るを | しかるを shikaruo

: even so; though that may be

然して | そして soshite

: and; and then; thus; and now

然れども | しかれども shikaredomo

: nevertheless; even then; however; be that as it may; even so; though that it be so

On Reading

ジ ji
ニ ni


而今 er2jin1: now; at the present (time) [じこん jikon: from now on; hereafter]
而後[后] er2hou4: after that; then
[而後 | じご jigo OR しかるのち shikarunochi]: thereafter; after doing that; followed by]

而今而後 | じこんじご jikon jigo: in the future; from now on; henceforth; hereafter

而且 er2qie3: (not only …) but also; moreover; in addition; furthermore
而已 er2yi3: that’s all; nothing more
而是 er2shi4: rather
然而 ran2’er2: however; yet; but
從[从]而 cong2’er2: thus; thereby
因而 yin1’er2: therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result
反而 fan3’er2: instead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations)
進[进]而 jin4’er2: and then (what follows next)

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
*終而復始 | shūjifukushi
: finish and start over again

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom | proverb
不勞而獲 [不劳而获] bu4 lao2 er2 huo4
: to reap without sowing

三思而行 san1 si1 er2 xing2
: think three times then go; don’t act before you’ve thought it through carefully

似是而非 si4 shi4 er2 fei1
: apparently right but actually wrong; specious

半途而廢 [半途而废] ban4 tu2 er2 fei4
: to give up halfway; leave something unfinished

得而復失 [得而复失] de2 er2 fu4 shi1
: to lose what one has just obtained

因孕而婚 yin1 yun4 er2 hun1
: shotgun wedding

死而無悔 [死而无悔] si3 er2 wu2 hui3
: to die without regret (from Analects)

撲面而來 [扑面而来] pu1 mian4 er2 lai2
: lit. something hits one in the face; directly in one’s face; something assaults the senses; blatant (advertising); eye catching; (a smell) assaults the nostrils

竭澤而漁 [竭泽而渔] jie2 ze2 er2 yu2
: lit. to drain the pond to get at the fish; fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

*終而復始 [终而复始] zhong1 er2 fu4 shi3
: lit. the end comes back to the start; the wheel comes full circle

翹足而待 [翘足而待] qiao2 zu2 er2 dai4
: to expect in a short time

知難而退 [知难而退] zhi1 nan2 er2 tui4
: to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat; fig. to back out of an awkward situation; to get out on finding out what it’s really like

盡力而為 [尽力而为] jin4 li4 er2 wei2
: to try one’s utmost; to strive

相機而動 [相机而动] xiang4 ji1 er2 dong4
: to wait for the opportune moment before taking action

聽而不聞 [听而不闻] ting1 er2 bu4 wen2
: to hear but not react; to turn a deaf ear; to ignore deliberately

衝口而出 [冲口而出] chong1 kou3 er2 chu1
: to blurt out without thinking

視而不見 [视而不见] shi4 er2 bu4 jian4
: to turn a blind eye to; to ignore

言而有信 yan2 er2 you3 xin4
: to speak and keep one’s promise; as good as one’s word

言而無信 [言而无信] yan2 er2 wu2 xin4
: to go back on one’s word; to break one’s promise; to be unfaithful; to be untrustworthy

三思而後行 [三思而后行] san1 si1 er2 hou4 xing2
: think again and again before acting; consider carefully in advance

可望而不可即 ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2
: in sight but unattainable; inaccessible; also written 可望而不可及 ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2

良禽擇木而棲 [良禽择木而栖] liang2 qin2 ze2 mu4 er2 qi1
: a fine bird chooses a tree to nest in (proverb); fig. a talented person chooses a patron of integrity

來而不往非禮也 [来而不往非礼也] lai2 er2 bu4 wang3 fei1 li3 ye3
: not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind

吾生也有涯,而知也無涯 [吾生也有涯,而知也无涯] wu2 sheng1 ye3 you3 ya2 , er2 zhi1 ye3 wu2 ya2
: Life is short, learning is limitless; Ars longa, vita brevis

天網恢恢,疏而不失 [天网恢恢,疏而不失] tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 shi1
: lit. heaven’s net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can’t run from the long arm of the law

學而不厭,誨人不倦 [学而不厌,诲人不倦] xue2 er2 bu4 yan4 , hui4 ren2 bu4 juan4
: study tirelessly, teach with endless enthusiasm (from Analects)

學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆 [学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆] xue2 er2 bu4 si1 ze2 wang3 , si1 er2 bu4 xue2 ze2 dai4
: To learn without thinking is confusing, to think without learning is dangerous (Confucius)

心有餘而力不足 [心有余而力不足] xin1 you3 yu2 er2 li4 bu4 zu2
: The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects). I really want to do it, but don’t have the resources. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

樹欲靜而風不止 [树欲静而风不止] shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3
: lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease; fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not

日出而作,日入而息 ri4 chu1 er2 zuo4 , ri4 ru4 er2 xi1
: lit. to get up at sunrise and work until sunset (proverb); fig. to lead a plain and hardworking life

聽其言而觀其行 [听其言而观其行] ting1 qi2 yan2 er2 guan1 qi2 xing2
: hear what he says and observe what he does (from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions

過而能改,善莫大焉 [过而能改,善莫大焉] guo4 er2 neng2 gai3 , shan4 mo4 da4 yan1
: If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better

鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已 [鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已] ju1 gong1 jin4 cui4 , si3 er2 hou4 yi3
: to bend to a task and spare no effort unto one’s dying day; striving to the utmost one’s whole life; with every breath in one’s body, unto one’s dying day


象形 Pictographic.
Picture of a beard (former meaning).

“And” or “Beard” radical #126

ni3 ye3xu3 bu4hui4 ji4de, er2 wo3 yong3yuan3 bu4hui4 wang4ji4
You may well not remember, but I’ll never forget it.


因你而在 – JJ Lin 林俊杰

编曲:Kenn C

我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

给我的微笑 全都记在脑海了
节奏在跳跃 这是恋爱的预兆
天亮才睡觉 让我思绪都颠倒
防备全关掉 只许你无理取闹


我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

给我的微笑 全都记在脑海了
节奏在跳跃 这是恋爱的预兆
天亮才睡觉 让我思绪都颠倒
防备全关掉 只许你无理取闹

一天一天为你开窍 一秒一秒想你的微笑

我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me

credit: JJ Lin 林俊杰

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary