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賞: to bestow; reward

By March 10, 2015January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


賞 [觉] jué

: to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior)
: to appreciate (beauty)

Kun Reading

賞 | ほめる homeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to praise; to admire; to speak well

賞する | しょうする hyousuru

suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: comprehension; understanding
: (Buddhist term) enlightenment; satori

On Reading

賞 | しょう shou

: prize; award


賞[赏]光 shang3guang1: to do somebody the honor (of attending etc); to put in an appearance; to show up
賞[赏]月 shang3yue4: to admire the full moon
賞罰[赏罚] shang3fa2: reward and punishment
[賞罰 | しょうばつ shoubatsu]
賞臉[赏脸] shang3lian3: (polite) do me the honor
賞識[赏识] shang3shi2: to appreciate; to recognize the worth of something; appreciation
欣賞[赏] xin1shang3: to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire
讚賞[赞赏] zan4shang3: to admire; to praise; to appreciate
觀賞[观赏] guan1shang3: to see and enjoy; to admire the view
獎賞[奖赏] jiang3shang3: reward; prize; award
懸賞[悬赏] xuan2shang3: to offer a reward; bounty
[懸賞 | けんしょう kenshou: offering prizes; winning; reward]

Japanese expression | idiom
賞を取る | しょうをとる shou o toru
: to win the prize; to win the ring

賞を受ける | しょうをうける shou o ukeru
: to receive a prize

賞金を懸ける | しょうきんをかける shoukin o kakeru
: to offer a prize

Chinese expression | idiom
賞心悅目 [赏心悦目] shang3 xin1 yue4 mu4
: warms the heart and delights the eye; pleasing; delightful

奇文共賞[赏] qi2 wen2 gong4 shang3
: lit. remarkable work appreciated by all; universally praised (original meaning); incomprehensible nonsense; preposterous bullshit

踏青賞春 [踏青赏春] ta4 qing1 shang3 chun1
: to enjoy a beautiful spring walk


形声 Pictophonetic.
貝 (bei4: shell) suggests the meaning while
(shang4: still; yet) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
赏. Derived from generic character simplification rule #4 (貝 » 贝) via usage of grass script form of character.

[觉] jue2: to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware; conscious
[kun: さとり satori; おぼえ oboe; さとる satoru; さます samasu; おぼえる oboeru; おぼえず oboezu.
on: かく kaku]

wo3 xin1shang3 hao3 yin1yue4
I appreciate good music.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary