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捶: to beat with the fist

By January 16, 2015February 14th, 2015Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


捶 chuí

: to beat with the fist; to hammer; to cudgel

Kun Reading
none applicable

On Reading

すい sui

た ta


捶子 chui2zi: hammer
捶打 chui2da3: to beat; to pound; to thump
[すいちょう suichou: to whip and beat]
捶擊[击] chui2ji1: to beat; to thump
捶胸 chui2xiong1: to beat one’s chest

Chinese idiom
捶胸頓足 [捶胸顿足] chui2 xiong1 dun4 zu2
: to beat one’s chest and stamp one’s feet

跌腳捶胸 [跌脚捶胸] die1 jiao3 chui2 xiong1
: lit. stamping and beating the chest; fig. angry or stressed about something


形声 Pictophonetic.
扌 (shou3: hand radical 64) suggests the meaning while
(chui2: to droop; to suspend) provides the sound.

棰 | 箠 chui2: to whip; to flog
形声 Pictophonetic.
(mu4: tree) suggests the meaning while
(chui2: to droop; to suspend) provides the sound.
⺮ (bamboo CK radical) suggests the meaning while
(chui2: to droop; to suspend) provides the sound.

Historical variant.
搥 chui2

ta1 yong4 quan2tou2 meng3 chui2 zhuo1zi.
She angrily banged her fist on the table.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary