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胞: womb, placenta

By October 9, 2014October 15th, 2014Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

胞 bāo

: placenta; womb; born of the same parents

Kun Reading

胞 | じゅう juu

: gun; rifle; small arms

On Reading

ほう hou


胞衣 bao1yi1: afterbirth [えな ena OR ほうえ houe: placenta]
胞藻 bao1zao3: algae
胞漿[浆] bao1jiang1: cytoplasm
同胞 tong2bao1: born of the same parents; sibling; fellow citizen; compatriot [どうほう douhou OR どうぼう doubou OR はらから harakara: brethren; brothers; fellow countrymen; fellowman; compatriot]
細[细]胞 xi4bao1: cell (biology) [細胞 | さいほう saihou OR さいぼう saibou]
僑[侨]胞 qiao2bao1: countryman living abroad
雙胞胎 [双胞胎] shuang1 bao1 tai1: twins

同卵雙胞胎 [同卵双胞胎] tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1: identical twins
[一卵性双生児 | いちらんせいそうせいじ ichiran sei souseiji]  
異卵雙胞胎 [异卵双胞胎] yi4 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1 fraternal twins
[二卵性双生児 | にらんせいそうせいじ niran sei souseiji]

形声 Pictophonetic.
⺼ (rou4: meat; CJK radical meat) suggests the meaning while
(bao1: wrap) provides the sound.

Historical variant:
脬 pao1: bladder

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary