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十二星座: 12 Chinese Zodiacs

By April 14, 2014January 16th, 2023Chinese Word, colors, Design, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

十二星座 shi2 er4 xing1 zuo4

: the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane
: the signs of the zodiac

十二生肖 shi2 er4 sheng1 xiao4

: 12 zodiac signs

十二支 shi2 er4 zhi1

: 12 earthly branches
子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥
(eastern zodiacs)

Kun Reading

十二支 | じゅうにし juunishi

: 12 Chinese zodiacs


生肖 sheng1 xiao4 (“birth likeness”), also known as the Chinese zodiac, is a scheme and systematic plan of future action, that relates each year to an animal and its reputed attributes, according to a 12-year cycle (unlike the Western zodiac, which runs on a 12-month cycle). It remains popular in several East Asian countries, such as China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan.

The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals, whereas some of the signs in the Western zodiac are not animals, despite the implication of the Greek etymology of “zodiac”. The animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations, let alone those spanned by the ecliptic plane.

In Chinese astrology the animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself. It is a common misconception that the animals assigned by year are the only signs and many western descriptions of Chinese astrology draw solely on this system. In fact, there are also animal signs assigned by month (called inner animals), by day (called true animals) and hours (called secret animals). – wikipedia

子 zi3 | し Shi OR ね Ne
: 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight
: Thursday
: 11th solar month: Dec 7 – Jan 5
: Year 1; Year of the Rat
: 2008, 2020
子鼠 zi1shu3: Year 1; Year of the Rat
[子年 | ねどし nedoshi OR ねずみどし nezumidoshi: Year of the Rat]

鼠 | ねずみ nezumi: rat

丑 Chu1 | うし Ushi
: 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m.
: Saturday
: 12th solar month: Jan 6 – Feb 3
: Year 2; Year of the Ox
: 2009, 2021
丑牛 chou3niu2: Year 2; Year of the Ox
[丑年 | うしどし Ushidoshi: Year of the Ox]

牛 | うし ushi OR ぎゅう gyuu : ox; cow

寅 yin2 | とら Tora
: 3rd earthly branch: 3-5 a.m.
: Saturday
: 1st solar month: Feb 4 – Mar 5
: Year 3; Year of the Tiger
: 2010, 2022
寅虎 yin2hu3: Year 3; Year of the Tiger
[寅年 | とらどし toradoshi: Year of the Tiger]

虎 | とら tora: tiger

卯 mao3 | ぼう bou OR う u
: 4th earthly branch: 5-7 a.m.
: Friday
: 2nd solar month: Mar 6 – Apr 4
: Year 4; Year of the Rabbit
: 2011, 2023
卯兔 mao3tu4: Year 4; Year of the Rabbit
[卯年 | うどし udoshi OR うさぎどし usagidoshi: Year of the Rabbit]

兔 | うさぎ Usagi: rabbit

辰 chen2 | たつ tatsu
: 5th earthly branch: 7-9 a.m.
: Tuesday
: 3rd solar month: Apr 5- May 4
: Year 5; Year of the Dragon
: 2012, 2024
辰龍[龙] chen2long2: Year 5; Year of the Dragon
[辰年 | たつどし tatsudoshi: Year of the Dragon]

龍 | りゅう Ryuu: Dragon

巳 si4 | み mi
: 6th earthly branch: 9-11 a.m.
: Friday
: 4th solar month: May 5 – June 5
: Year 6; Year of the Snake
: 2013, 2025
巳蛇 si4she2: Year 6; Year of the Snake
[巳年 | みどし midoshi OR へびどし hebidoshi: Year of the Snake]

蛇 | へび Hebi: Snake

午 wu3 | ひる hiru OR うま uma
: 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon
: Wednesday
: 5th solar month: June 6 – Jul 6
: Year 7; Year of the Horse
: 2014, 2026
午馬[马] wu3ma3: Year 7; Year of the Horse
[午年 | うまどし umadoshi: Year of the Horse]

馬 | うま Uma: Horse

未 wei4 | み mi OR ひつじ hitsuji
: 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m.
: Monday
: 6th solar month: Jul 7 – Aug 6
: Year 8; Year of the Ram
: 2015, 2026
未羊 wei4yang2: Year 8; Year of the Ram
[未年 | ひつじどし hitsujidoshi: Year of the Sheep]

羊 | ひつじ hitsuji: Sheep

申 shen1 | さる saru
: 9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m.
: Sunday
: 7th solar month: Aug 7 – Sep 7
: Year 9; Year of the Monkey
: 2016, 2027
申猴 shen1hou2: Year 9; Year of the Monkey
[申年 | さるどし sarudoshi: Year of the Monkey]

猿 yuan2 | さる Saru : Monkey

酉 you3 | とり tori
: 10th earthly branch: 5-7 p.m.
: Saturday
: 8th solar month: Sep 8 – Oct 7
: Year 10; Year of the Rooster
: 2017, 2028
酉雞[鸡] you3ji1: Year 10; Year of the Rooster
[酉年 | とりどし toridoshi: Year of the Cock]

鶏 ji1 (Japanese variant) | とり Tori: Chicken

戌 xu1 | いぬ inu
: 11th earthly branch: 7-9 p.m.
: Friday
: 9th solar month: Oct 8 – Nov 6
: Year 11; Year of the Dog
: 2018, 2029
戌狗 xu1gou3: Year 11; Year of the Dog
[戌年 | いぬどし inudoshi: Year of the Dog

狗 gou3 OR 犬 quan3 | いぬ Inu: Dog

亥 hai | い i
: 12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m.
: Thursday
: 10th solar month: Nov 7 – Dec 6
: Year 12; Year of the Boar
: 2019, 2030
亥豬[猪] hai4zhu1: Year 12; Boar
[亥年 | いのししどし inoshishidoshi OR いどし idoshi: Year of the Boar

猪 zhu1 | い i OR いのしし Inoshishi: Hog/Boar
豚 tun2 OR 豕 shi3 | ぶた buta OR とん ton: Pig


十二生肖 12 Zodiacs – 王力宏 Wang Lee Hom


Ladies and Gentlemen!


子鼠 丑牛 寅虎 卯兔
辰龙 巳蛇 午马 未羊
申猴 酉鸡 戌狗 亥猪

是世界的 是地球的
一个人能够活到一百岁 已经算久的
还有什么好争的?(争的) 做一个好学生了(Jackie Chan yo)
不要反抗 不要打仗 咱们来唱 首歌呀

如果说 人有十二种不同
不如花点时间学习 每个品种(haha)

鼠牛虎兔(哈哈) 龙蛇马羊(羊叫) 猴鸡狗猪(猪叫) 大声地唱(Come on)
子鼠 丑牛 寅虎 卯兔
辰龙 巳蛇 午马 未羊
申猴 酉鸡 戌狗 亥猪(Jackie Chan yo)

Hey!我们还 年轻
Hey!We want some 感情

是地球的 是世界的
有人说世界和平很遥远 但我不觉得
放眼这个目标,无论什么生肖呀(Jackie Chan yo)
关心一点,在乎一点 铁定能办得到呀

如果说 人有十二种不同
不如花点时间学习 每个品种(haha)

鼠牛虎兔(哈哈) 龙蛇马羊(羊叫) 猴鸡狗猪(猪叫) 大声地唱(haha)
子鼠 丑牛 寅虎 卯兔
辰龙 巳蛇 午马 未羊
申猴 酉鸡 戌狗 亥猪(Jackie Chan yo)

Hey!我们还 年轻
Hey!We want some 感情
Hey!世界能 和平
无论什么生肖 你我和他 只要愿意

嗯大家一起NOW 以前我不会背
但现在就会了 原来这么容易
子鼠 丑牛 寅虎 卯兔
辰龙 巳蛇 午马 未羊
申猴 酉鸡 戌狗 亥猪
这就是十二个 十二个,十二个
二个 二个 二个 二个 二个 二…


Hey~世界能和平(Jackie Chan yo)

credit: Wang Lee Hom 王力宏

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary