水 shuǐ
noun | radical 85
: water
: river; liquid; beverage
: additional charges or income
: (of clothes) measure word for number of washes
みず mizu
: water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water)
: fluid (esp. in an animal tissue); liquid
: flood; floodwaters
: water offered to sumo wrestlers just prior to a bout
: break granted to sumo wrestlers engaged in a prolonged bout
すい sui
: (Abbreviation) Wednesday;
: shaved ice (served with flavored syrup)
: water (fifth of the five elements)
水手 shui3shou3: mariner; sailor; seaman
[すいしゅ suishu OR かこ kako]
水平 shui3ping2: level; standard [すいへい suihei]
水平軸 shui3 ping2 zhou2: vertical axis
[すいへいめん suihei men: horizontal axis]
水果 shui3guo3: fruit
[果物 | かぶつ kabutsu OR くだもの kudamono]水泥 shui3ni2: cement [みどろ midoro: name place]
水餃[饺] shui3jiao3: boiler dumping
[水餃子 | すいぎょうざ sui gyoza]
水氣[气] shui3qi4: water vapor; steam
[水気 | みずけ mizuke OR すいき suiki
: moisture; dampness; vapor
: dropsy; edema; oedema]
水溫[温] shui3wen1: water temperature [水温 | すいおん suion]
水晶 OR 水精 shui3jing1: crystal [すいしょう suishou]
水痘 shui3dou4: chickenpox; Varicella zoster (med.)
[すいとう suitou OR 水疱瘡 | みずぼうそう mizubousou]
水瓶座 shui3 ping2 zuo4: Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
[みずがめざ mizugameza: Aquarius (constellation); the Water Carrier; the Water Bearer]
白開水 bai2 kai1 shui3: plain boiled water
汽水 qi4shui3: soda [きすい kisui: brackish water]
冰水 bing1 shui3: iced water
冷水 leng3 shui3: cold water; unboiled water [れいすい reisui]
熱[热]水 re4shui3: hot water
[ねっすい nessui: hot water (esp below the surface of the earth]
淨[净]水 jing4shui3: clean water; purified water
[きよみ kiyomi: person’s name]清水 qing1shui3: fresh water; drinking water; clear water
[せいすい seisui OR しみず shimizu OR きよみず kiyomizu: spring water; clear (pure) water]
清水寺 (qing1 shui3 si4) Kiyomizu-dera a Buddhist temple in east Kyoto, designated as an UNESCO World Heritage site
淚[泪]水 lei4 shui3: teardrop; tears
[涙 OR 泪 | なみだ namida]汗水 han4shui3: sweat; perspiration [あせみず asemizu]
鼻水 bi2 shui3: nasal mucus; snivel
[はなみず hanamizu: nasal mucus; dripping nose]
藥[药]水 yao4 shui3: medicine in liquid form; bottled medicine; lotion
溺水 ni4shui3: to drown [できすい dekisui: drowning]
漏水 lou4shui3: to leak (water) [ろうすい rousui: leakage]
薪水 xin1shui3: salary; wage [しんすい shinsui: fuel and water; cooking; salary]
水曜日 shui3yao4ri4: Wednesday (Ancient Chinese Astronomy)
[すいようび suiyoubi]
Japanese common word | expression | idiom
水と油 | みずとあぶら mizu to abura
: incompatible; like oil and water
水の泡 | みずのあわ mizu no awa
: coming to nothing
水を得た魚 | みずをえたうお mizu o etauo
: in one’s element
*背水の陣 | はいすいのじん haisui no jin
: fighting with one’s back to the wall; having burnt one’s bridges; last stand; from strategy of general Han Xin in the Battle of Jingxing
蛙の面に水 | かえるのつらにみず kaeru no tsura ni mizu
: like water off a duck’s back; water on a frog’s face
水もしたたる | みずもしたたる mizu mo shitataru
: splendidly handsome
籠で水を汲む | かごでみずをくむ kago de mizu o kumu
: like trying to scoop water with a basket: impossible, a waste of time & energy
渇しても盗泉の水を飲まず | かっしてもとうせんのみずをのまず
kasshitemo tousen no mizu o nomazu
: Even if thirsty not to drink from “Robber’s Spring”; A proverb meaning not to lower oneself to unjust acts no matter how desperate; The eagle does not hunt flies
湯水のように使う | ゆみずのようにつかう yumizu no youni tsukau
: to spend (money) like water; to spend (money) like it grows on trees; to throw around (one’s money); to play ducks and drakes with
**血は水よりも濃い | ちはみずよりもこい chi wa mizu yorimo koi
: Blood is thicker than water
| うまをみずべにみちびくことはできるがうまにみずをのませることはできない
uma o mizu be ni michibiku koto wa dekiru ga uma ni mizu o nomaseru koto wa dekinai
: You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink
Chinese idiom
潑[泼]冷水 po1 leng3 shui3
: lit. to pour cold water on; fig. to dampen one’s enthusiasm
拖下水 tuo1 xia4 shui3
: lit. to pull sb into the water; to involve sb in a messy business; to get sb into trouble
水中撈[捞]月 shui3 zhong1 lao1 yue4
: to fetch the moon out of the sea: a hopeless illusion
竹籃[篮]打水 (竹籃打水,一場空)
zhu2 lan2 da3 shui3 (yi1 chang2 kong1)
: using a wicker basket to draw water: wasted effort
*背水一戰[战] bei4 shui3 yi1 zhan4
: lit. fight with one’s back to the river: fig. to fight to win or die
**血濃於水 [血浓于水] xue4 nong2 yu2 shui3
: blood is thicker than water; fig. family ties are closer than social relations
鏡[镜]花水月 jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
: lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake: fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles
[きょうかすいげつ kyouka sui getsu
: flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water’s surface; something that is visible but having no substance; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words]
井水不犯河水 jing3 shui3 bu4 fan4 he2 shui3 OR 河水不犯井水
: lit: the well water doesn’t mix with the river (‘s water): everyone minds their own business
半瓶水響叮噹 [半瓶水响叮当] ban4 ping2 shui3 xiang3 ding1 dang1
: lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound: fig. empty vessels make the most noise; one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest
遠[远]水不解近渴 yuan3 shui3 bu4 jie3 jin4 ke3
: lit. distant water does not cure present thirst: fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address immediate needs
遠[远]水救不了近火 yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3
: lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address the current emergency
ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
: you can’t judge a person by appearance, just as you can’t measure the sea with a pint pot
如人飲[饮]水,冷暖自知 ru2 ren2 yin3 shui3 , leng3 nuan3 zi4 zhi1
: the person who drinks it knows best whether the water is hot or cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within; to know best by personal experience
***牽馬到河易,強馬飲水難 [牵马到河易,强马饮水难]
qian1 ma3 dao4 he2 yi4 , qiang2 ma3 yin3 shui3 nan2
: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink
象形 Pictographic.
Picture of flowing water.
“Water” Radical 85.
水手怕水 Aquaphobic Sailor – Jay Chou 周杰倫
大海真可怕 叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby
美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙
Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey
船舱它是我的家 大海是我嘘嘘的地方
我对海鲜会过敏 吃素已很久
想当那歌手 结果变成水手
Oh oh~ 怎么有点东北腔 No no~ 去到太远的地方
人家Popeye最爱吃菠菜 我却爱清粥小菜 再来点海带
铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃
铃不铃不铃 我的闹钟怎么叫不醒我
喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝 林老师在喝牛奶
叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby
美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙
Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey
我喜欢你胜过Money 这些海鲜 捕吃可吃
知不可吃 捕吃可吃 知不可吃可
不吃不吃不吃 克制不吃土司 跟我学一遍 来
(B Box)
我去海产店买鱼虾来放生 去水族馆把鱼通通捞走
只有一种鱼捞不走 姓大名叫白鲨 大白鲨
船长说 为了节能减碳尽量用手划 有空就去甲板吸收太阳能
抹抹防晒 等着美人鱼上钩 Go
铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃
喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝 喝不喝不喝
叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby
美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙
Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey
嘘 叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby
美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙
Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey
叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby
美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙 大白鲨 Oh喊我 水手
Oh oh come on come on honey
credit: Jay Chou 周杰倫
Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary