火 huǒ
noun | radical 86
: fire
: urgent; ammunition; fiery or flaming; internal heat (Chinese medicine)
: anger; rage
: hot (popular)
ひ hi
noun | noun suffix
: fire; flame; blaze
か ka
: (Abbreviation) Tuesday
: fire (second of the five elements)
火車huo3che1: train [かしゃ kasha: fiery chariot;
: kasha (mythical beast said to devour dead bodies);
: (in China) train (i.e. steam locomotive);
: (Abbreviation) (Archaism) vile old hag]
火車婆 | かしゃばば kasha baba: evil old hag
火車站 huo3che1 zhan4: train station
火柴 huo3chai2: match (for lighting fire)
火力 huo3li4: fire(power)
[かりょく karyoku: heating/steam power]
火山 huo3shan1: volcano [かざん kazan]
火山岩 huo3shan1 yan2: volcanic rock [かざんがん kazangan]
火山灰 huo3shan1 hui1: volcanic ash [かざんばい kazanbai]
火藥[药] huo3yao4: gunpowder [火薬 | かやく kayaku]
火器 huo3qi4: firearm; gun [かき kaki]
火氣[气] huo3qi4: anger; internal heat (TCM)
[火気 | ほけ hoke OR かっき kakki OR かき kaki: fire]
火星 huo3xing1: spark; Mars [かせい kasei: Mars]
火柴 huo3chai2: match (for lighting fire)
[かしば kashiba: match; lucifer]
火災 huo3zai1: fire (catastrophe)
[かさい kasai: conflagration; fire]
火箭 huo3jian4: rocket
[ひや hiya OR かせん kasen: fire arrow]
火星人 huo3 xing1 ren2: Martian [かせいじん kaseijin]
火鍋[锅] huo3guo1: hotpot
[火鍋子 | ホーコーツ hookootsu: hotpot]
火眼 huo3yan3: pinkeye
火腿 huo3tui3: ham
火雞[鸡] huo3ji1: turkey
火烈鳥[鸟] huo3 lie4 niao3: flamingo
火蜥蜴 huo3 xi1 yi4: fire lizard; salamander [ひとかげ hitokage]
火花 huo3hua1: spark/sparkle [ひばな hibana]
花火 hua1huo3: fireworks [はなび hanabi]
燈[灯]火: lights; lamp; torch [ともしび tomoshibi OR とうか touka]
救火 jiu4huo3: fire fighting
起火 qi3huo3: to catch fire; to cook; to get angry
聖火 sheng4huo3: sacred fire/Olympic flame [せいか seika]
煙[烟]火 yan1huo3: smoke & fire; fireworks
點[点]鬼火 dian3 gui3 huo3: to stir up trouble in secret; to instigate
火曜日 huo3yao4ri4 : Tuesday (Ancient Chinese Astronomy)
[かようび kayoubi]
Japanese common word | expression | idiom
火木 | かもく kamoku: Tuesdays & Thursdays
火木土 | かもくど kamokudo: Tue-Thurs-Sat
火がつく | ひがつく higatsuku
: to catch fire; to provoke; to catch fire from; to be ignited
火を吹く | ひをふく hiofuku
: to burst into flames
: to fire (of a gun)
: to fan a fire with one’s breath
火祭り | ひまつり himatsuri
: fire festival (often celebrating the absence of fires)
: New Year’s ritual at Izumo Shrine
: festival involving fire dedicated to the gods
火の用心 | ひのようじん hinoyoujin
: be careful about fire; watch out for fire
火宅無常 | かたくむじょう katakumujou
: This world is uncertain (cruel) like a burning house
*放火殺人 | ほうかさつじん houka satsujin: murder-arson
風林火山 | ふうりんかざん fuurinkazan
: as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain
対岸の火事 | たいがんのかじ taigannokaji
: no skin off my nose; somebody else’s problem; fire on the opposite shore
火の中水の中 | ひのなかみずのなか hi no naka mizu no naka
: hell and high water
火のないところに煙は立たない | ひのないところにけむりはたたない hi no naitokoro ni kemuri wa tatanai
: There’s no smoke without fire
降り懸かる火の粉は払わねばならぬ | ふりかかるひのこははらわねばならぬ
furi kakaru hi no koha wa rawanebanaranu
: You must protect yourself against any possible dangers
火に油を注ぐ | ひにあぶらをそそぐ hi ni abura o sosogu
: to add fuel to the fire; to make things worse; to stir things up
Chinese idiom
火上加油 huo3 shang4 jia1 you2
: to add oil to the fire: fig. to aggravate a situation; to enrage people and make matters worse
刀山火海 dao1 shan1 huo3 hai3
: lit. mountains of daggers and seas of flames: fig. extreme danger
*殺[杀]人放火 sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3
: to kill and burn: murder and arson
水火不容 shui3 huo3 bu4 rong2
: completely incompatible; lit. incompatible as fire and water
抱薪救火 bao4 xin1 jiu4 huo3
: lit. to carry firewood to put out a fire: fig. to make a problem worse by inappropriate action
烈火乾[干]柴 lie4 huo3 gan1 chai2
: lit. intense fire to dry wood: inferno in a woodpile; fig. consuming passion between lovers
赴湯蹈火 fu4 tang1 dao3 huo3
: to go through water and tread on fire: not afraid of any difficulty
趁火打劫 chen4 huo3 da3 jie2
: to loot a burning house: to profit from sb’s misfortune
紙[纸]包不住火 zhi3 bao1 bu4 zhu4 huo3
: paper can’t wrap fire; fig. the truth will out
新官上任三把火 xin1 guan1 shang4 ren4 san1 ba3 huo3
: the new boss cracks the whip three times; a new broom sweeps clean: fig. vigorous new policies
跳出釜底進[进]火坑 tiao4 chu1 fu3 di3 jin4 huo3 keng1
: out of the frying pan into the fire
魚[鱼]生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安 yu2 sheng1 huo3 , rou4 sheng1 tan2 , qing1 cai4 dou4 fu5 bao3 ping2 an1
: fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy
遠[远]水救不了近火 yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu4 liao3 jin4 huo3
: lit. water from afar quenches not fire: fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address the current emergency
ナルト 疾風伝 Naruto Shippūden: Naruto Hurricane Chronicles
象形 Pictographic.
Picture of flames.
“Fire” Radical 86.
灬 (biao1)
火 + 火 = 炎 yan2: flame; blaze; hot
old variant: 炏
火 + 火 + 火 = 㷋 tan2: embers
火力全開 Open Fire – Wang Lee Hom 王力宏
你說 Lady 卡卡
因為 Music Man 的到來
火力全開 火力全開 火力全開
轉載來自 魔鏡歌詞網
So many accusations
Of an Asian invasion
Here they come a point’n fingers at me
Preyin’ on a mass emotion
Stirrin’ up a big commotion
Trying to assign responsibilities
Gonna stop this negativity
Turn it into positivity with integrity
Givin’ all of me
For all to see
This fight for equality
But even if they blame us
Try to frame us but nobody can shame us
i’m a sing this next verse in Chinese
Repeat *
credit: Wang Lee Hom 王力宏
Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary
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