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倡: to initiate; introduce; lead

By October 22, 2013March 13th, 2014Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


倡 chàng

: to initiate; instigate; introduce; guide; lead

Kun Reading

On Reading

しょう shou


倡導[导] chang4dao3: to advocate; initiate; propose
倡導[导]者 chang4dao3 zhe3: proponent; pioneer; advocate
倡議[议] chang4yi4: to suggest; proposal
倡儀[仪] chang4yi2: initiative; to initiate
倡始 chang4shi3: to initiate
倡言 chang4yan2: to propose; to initiate
倡婦 chang4 fu4: (female) singers [しょうふ shoufu: prostitute; harlot]
提倡 ti2chang4: to promote; advocate
首倡 shou3chang4: to initiate
反腐倡 fan3fu3 chang4: anti-corruption drive
反腐倡廉 fan3fu3 chang4 lian2: to fight corruption and advocate probity

Chinese idiom
彼倡此和 bi3 chang4 ci3 he2
to chorus somebody else’s lead: to chime in in agreement


形声 Pictophonetic.
亻 (ren2: person radical 9) suggests the meaning while
(chang1: light of sun; prosperous) provides the sound.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary