I once had an almost 9 to 5 job, but I yearned for the life of being a freelancer. More than that, I wanted to roll out of bed and right to my computer without caring what I looked like. Well, they do say be careful what you wish for. Two years ago, the agency I have been working for, for more than 10 years, suddenly went belly-up. My 9 to 5 became 7 to 7 or more, …or less, depending.
2011 was a tough economic year. Luckily work came looking for me by word-of-mouth (you can never be too nice). And then, it slowed down. Then it picked up. That’s when I learned, I can NEVER turn away work, even at my busiest. Because I never know when the next project would show up.
When work started leveling out, I realized that the only way I can branch out is to expand my network. I was a little embarrassed about my old site: it wasn’t that the work wasn’t good, but the site was so 2009. Yes, it took me two years to finally redesign my site, and I did it with the help of WordPress – no shame in that. (Even with the help, it still took me more than a month to get the content and site to where it is. One can only imagine the feat if I had to do the coding myself!)
So when I happened upon this article, “Why an Online Portfolio Is Insanely Essential For Your Freelance Business Growth,” by Bryce Haga, I thought I’d use this opportune time to share (just as my site is almost whole), and add / “improve” upon it through experience and my time spent taking notes from Creative Live (a designer’s best friend! Thank you Creative professionals: Janine Warner, Melanie & Devin Duncan, who give your time so selflessly! I learned so much from your classes!).
A freelancer’s “rice bowl” aka meal ticket: