extemporize \ik-STEMP-puh-ryze\ verb
: improvise
: to get along in a makeshift manner
Although she was caught off-guard by the award, Sue managed to extemporize a speech thanking her entire team for their hard work.
“That’s the rambling Barack Obama at a big town hall meeting in Bristol, Va., in 2008 when either his teleprompter or his hidden earpiece, or both, went down, and he had to extemporize.” — From an article by Ruth Ann Dailey in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 3, 2012
“Extemporize” means to say or do something on the spur of the moment, an appropriate meaning given the word’s history. “Extemporize” was coined by adding the suffix “-ize” to Latin “ex tempore,” meaning “instantaneously” or “on the spur of the moment.” “Ex tempore,” in turn, was formed by combining “ex” and a form of the noun “tempus,” meaning “time.” Incidentally, “ex tempore” was also borrowed wholesale into English (where it means “extemporaneously”). Other descendents of Latin “ex tempore” include the now rare “extemporal” and “extemporary” (both synonyms of “extemporaneous”), and, as you have no doubt guessed by now, “extemporaneous” itself.
synonym of “extemporize” is ad-lib: to deliver spontaneously
Entry in Webster's Dictionary
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