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腑: internal organs


腑 fǔ

: internal organs; bowels, entrails

Kun Reading
none applicable

腸 | はらわた harawata

: guts; bowels; intestines

On Reading

腑 | ふ fu

: internal organ; viscera; gut; bowels


六腑 liu3fu3: (TCM) six bowels (hollow organs): gall bladder 胆, stomach 胃, large intestine 大肠, small intestine 小肠, triple heater 三焦, bladder 膀胱
[ろっぷ robbu: the six internal organs (large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, san jiao, urinary bladder)]

*五脏六腑 wu3zang4 liu3fu3: five viscera and six bowels (TCM)

肺腑 fei4fu3: bottom of the heart (fig.)
[はいふ haifu: lungs; bottom of one’s heart; vital point]
脏腑 zang4fu3: inner organs
洁净腑 jie2jing4 fu3: diuresis

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
*五臓六腑 | ごぞうろっぷ gozou roppu
: (yoji) the internal organs

腑に落ちない | ふにおちない fu ni ochinai
: cannot understand; doesn’t make sense

不甲斐ない OR 不甲斐無い OR 腑甲斐ない OR 腑甲斐無い | ふがいない fugainai
: disappointing; weak-minded; spiritless; cowardly; worthless; pusillanimous; feckless; faint-hearted; shiftless; tame; timid

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
出自肺腑 chu1 zi4 fei4 fu3
: the bottom of one’s heart

肺腑之言 fei4 fu3 zhi1 yan2
: from the bottom of one’s heart

形声 Pictophonetic.
⺼ (meat CJK radical) suggests the meaning while
(fu3: prefecture; government) provides the sound.


わたしにはどうもふにおちない watashi ni hadoumo funiochinai
I cannot quite understand it.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary