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命 mìng

noun | verb
: life; fate
: order or command
: to assign a name, title etc

Kun Reading

命 | いのち inochi

: life; life force
: lifetime; lifespan
: most important thing; foundation; core
: (Archaism) paired tattoos of the “life” kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)
: (Archaism) fate; destiny; karma

命 | みこと mikoto

: (after the name of a god or a noble) Lord; Highness
: (Archaism) (Derogatory) you

On Reading

命 | めい mei

: command; decree
: life
: destiny

ミョウ myou


命令 ming4ling4: order; command
[めいれい meirei: order; command; decree; directive
: (Computer terminology) (software) instruction; statement]

命運[运] ming4yun4: fate; destiny

命名 ming4ming2: to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to designate; named after; naming
[めいめい meimei: naming; christening]

命題[题] ming4ti2: proposition (logic, math.); to assign an essay topic
[命題 | めいだい meidai: proposition; thesis]

命中 ming4zhong4: to hit (a target)
[めいちゅう meichyuu: a hit; hitting something that was aimed at]

生命 sheng1ming4: life; living; biological
[せいめい seimei: life; existence]

革命 ge2ming4: revolution; revolutionary (politics)
[かくめい kakumei: revolution;
: 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)]

拼命 pin1ming4: to do one’s utmost; with all one’s might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one’s life depends on it

壽[寿]命 shou4ming4: life span; life expectancy; lifetime (of a machine)
[寿命 | じゅみょう jyumyou: life span]

使命 shi3ming4: mission (diplomatic or other); set task
[しめい shimei: mission; errand; message]

算命 suan4ming4: fortune-telling; to tell fortune

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
一所懸命 | いっしょけんめい issho kenmei
: (yoji) very hard; with utmost effort; with all one’s might; desperately; frantically; for dear life; all-out effort; sticking at living in and defending one place
: sticking at living in one place

一生懸命 | いっしょうけんめい isshou kenmei
: (yoji) very hard; with utmost effort; with all one’s might; for dear life

五十知命 | ごじゅうちめい gojuu chimei
: (yoji) At age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven. (Confucius)

絶体絶命 | ぜったいぜつめい zettai zetsumei
: (yoji) desperate situation; being driven into a corner; stalemate

美人薄命 | びじんはくめい bijin hakumei
: (yoji) beauty and fortune seldom go together; the beautiful die young

至上命令 | しじょうめいれい shijou meirei
: (yoji) categorical imperative; overriding necessity

寿命を延ばす | じゅみょうをのばす jyumyou o nobasu
: to prolong one’s life

寿命を縮める | じゅみょうをちぢめる jyumyou o chijimeru
: to shorten one’s life

使命を帯びる | しめいをおびる shimei o obiru
: to be charged with a mission

使命を果たす | しめいをはたす shimei o hatasu
: to carry out one’s mission

人事を尽くして天命を待つ | じんじをつくしててんめいをまつ jinji o tsukushite tenmei o matsu
: (proverb) Man proposes, God disposes. Man does what man can do then awaits the verdict of heaven or fate

余命幾何もない | よめいいくばくもない yomei ikubaku monai
: your days are numbered

命に別状はない | いのちにべつじょうはない inochi ni betsujou wa nai
: (one’s) life is not in danger; not life-threatening

命より名を貴ぶ | いのちよりなをたっとぶ inochi yori na o tattobu
: to value honor above life

命有っての物種 | いのちあってのものだね inochi atte no monodane
: While there’s life, there’s hope

命長ければ恥多し | いのちながければはじおおし inochi naga kereba wa jiooshi
: (proverb) to live long is to outlive much; the longer you live, the more shame you suffer

河豚は食いたし命は惜しし | ふぐはくいたしいのちはおしし fugu wa kuitashi inochi wa oshishi
: (proverb) honey is sweet, but the bee stings. Hesitating from doing something because of fear of consequences
(lit.) I would like to taste fugu, but I value my life.

命が惜しければ | いのちがおしければ inochi ga oshi kereba
: if you value your life

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
命中註定 [命中注定] ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4
: decreed by fate; destined; fated

命歸黃泉 [命归黄泉] ming4 gui1 huang2 quan2
: lit. to return to the Yellow Springs 黃泉|黄泉Huang2 quan2; fig. to die; to meet one’s end

人命關天 [人命关天] ren2 ming4 guan1 tian1
: human life is beyond value

死於非命 [死于非命] si3 yu2 fei1 ming4
: violent death; to die in a disaster; an unnatural death

愛財如命 [爱财如命] ai4 cai2 ru2 ming4
: lit. to love money as much as one’s own life; fig. avaricious; tightfisted

礙難從命 [碍难从命] ai4 nan2 cong2 ming4
: difficult to obey orders; much to my embarrassment, I am unable to comply

紅顏薄命 [红颜薄命] hong2 yan2 bo2 ming4
: beautiful women suffer unhappy fates

疲於奔命 [疲于奔命] pi2 yu2 ben1 ming4
: lit. tired of constantly running for one’s life; terribly busy; up to one’s ears in work

相依為命 [相依为命] xiang1 yi1 wei2 ming4
: mutually dependent for life; to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent

聽天安命 [听天安命] ting1 tian1 an1 ming4
: to accept one’s situation as dictated by heaven

聽天由命 [听天由命] ting1 tian1 you2 ming4
: to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck

草菅人命 cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4
: human life as grass; to kill people like scything grass; a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen

謀財害命 [谋财害命] mou2 cai2 hai4 ming4
: to plot and kill sb for his property; to murder for money

自命清高 zi4 ming4 qing1 gao1
: to think of oneself as high and pure; smug and self-righteous; holier-than-thou

耳提面命 er3 ti2 mian4 ming4
: to give sincere advice; to exhort earnestly

長命富貴 [长命富贵] chang2 ming4 fu4 gui4
: Wishing you long life and riches! (conventional greeting)

生死有命 sheng1 si3 you3 ming4
: life and death are ruled by fate

冒生命危險 [冒生命危险] mao4 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3
: to risk one’s life

救人一命勝造七級浮屠 [救人一命胜造七级浮屠] jiu4 ren2 yi1 ming4 sheng4 zao4 qi1 ji2 fu2 tu2
: saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda

生命不息,戰鬥不止 [生命不息,战斗不止] sheng1 ming4 bu4 xi1 , zhan4 dou4 bu4 zhi3
: while there is life, the fight continues; to fight to the last

会意 Associative Compound.
Command (ling4: command) given by the
mouth 口 (kou3: mouth radical 30)

形声 Pictophonetic.
口 (kou3: mouth radical 30) suggests the meaning while
(ling4: order; to command) provides the sound.


100ばんにんのひとびとがそのせんそうでいのちをおとした hyakubannin no hitobito ga sono sensou de inochi o otoshita
One million people lost their lives in the war.

ta1 jiu4 le wo3 yi1ming4
He saved my life.

惜命命 – Show Luo 罗志祥


这条歌要送乎你听 我请你惊究听

这首 将爱说出口 牵手 要牵你的手

我不知道 妳听完甘会了解我的心情
oh baby 你的笑容和眼神
因为你 害我心肝碰碰跳

这款感觉酸甘甜 爱的世界霓虹灯
希望未来 会当 一起一辈子
我ㄟ为你挡风台 希望你ㄟ荡了解
我的心 我的爱 你知不知


这款感觉酸甘甜 爱的世界霓虹灯
希望未来 会当 一起一辈子
我ㄟ为你挡风台 希望你ㄟ荡了解
我的心 我的爱 你知不知



这条歌乎你听 用心来唱希望妳知影
满腹心里话 我对天来发誓
发誓ㄟ对你 惜命命



credit: Show Luo 罗志祥

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary