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窮: poor

By January 11, 2017January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


窮 [穷] qióng

: poor; destitute
: to use up; to exhaust
: thoroughly; extremely
: (coll.) persistently and pointlessly

Kun Reading

窮み | きわみ kiwami

: height; acme; extremity

窮まる | きわまる kiwamaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to terminate; to reach an extreme; to take to the extreme; to be in a dilemma; to be at an end

窮める | きわめる kiwameru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to carry to extremes; to go to the end of something
: to investigate thoroughly; to master

窮す | きゅうす kyuusu

godan verb with su ending | intransitive verb
: to be hard pressed; to be at a loss
: to become poor; to be reduced to poverty

窮する | きゅうする kyuusuru

suru verb – special class
: to be hard pressed; to be at a loss
: to become poor; to be reduced to poverty

On Reading

キュウ kyuu、
キョウ kyou


窮[穷]人 qiong2ren2: poor people; the poor

窮民 | きゅうみん kyuumin: poor people; the poor

窮[穷]苦 qiong2ku3: impoverished; destitute
窮匱 [穷匮] qiong2kui4: to be short of something; to be wanting in something
窮[穷]困 qiong2kun4: destitute; wretched poverty
窮國 [穷国] qiong2guo2: poor country
貧窮 [贫穷] pin2qiong2: poor; impoverished
[貧窮 | ひんきゅう hinkyuu: great poverty]
無窮 [无穷] wu2qiong2: endless; boundless; inexhaustible
[無窮 | むきゅう mukyuu: eternity; infinitude; immortality]
不窮[穷] bu4qiong2: endless; boundless; inexhaustible
受窮[穷] shou4qiong2: poor

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
窮鼠噛猫 | きゅうそごうびょう kyuu so gou byou
: A cornered rat will bite the cat. One who is cornered will fight like a devil
窮鼠猫を噛む | きゅうそねこをかむ kyuu so neko o kamu
: a cornered rat will bite a cat; despair turns cowards courageous

万事窮す | ばんじきゅうす banji kyuusu
: There is nothing more that can be done

天壌無窮 | てんじょうむきゅう tenjou mukyuu
: (yoji) as eternal as heaven and earth

窮余の一策 | きゅうよのいっさく kyuu yo no issaku
: desperate measure; last-ditch effort

窮すれば通ず | きゅうすればつうず kyuu sureba tsuuzu
: Necessity is the mother of invention. There is always some way out of a difficulty if you really look for one

窮鳥懐に入れば猟師も殺さず | きゅうちょうふところにいればりょうしもころさず kyouchou futokoro ni ireba shoushi mo korosazu
: Even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
窮奢極侈 [穷奢极侈] qiong2 she1 ji2 chi3
: extravagant in the extreme

窮奢極欲 [穷奢极欲] qiong2 she1 ji2 yu4
: indulge in a life of luxury; extreme extravagance

窮山惡水 [穷山恶水] qiong2 shan1 e4 shui3
: lit. barren hills and wild rivers; fig. inhospitable natural environment

窮兵黷武 [穷兵黩武] qiong2 bing1 du2 wu3
: to engage in wars of aggression at will; militaristic; bellicose

窮竭心計 [穷竭心计] qiong2 jie2 xin1 ji4
: to remain cunning even though exhausted

窮鼠嚙狸 [穷鼠啮狸] qiong2 shu3 nie4 li2
: desperate rat will bite the fox; the smallest worm will turn being trodden on

窮途末路 [穷途末路] qiong2 tu2 mo4 lu4
:. the path exhausted, the end of the road; an impasse; in a plight with no way out; things have reached a dead end

窮則思變 [穷则思变] qiong2 ze2 si1 bian4
: you hit bottom, you have to come up with a new approach

窮家薄業 [穷家薄业] qiong2 jia1 bo2 ye4
: poor and with few means of subsistence; destitute

山窮水盡 [山穷水尽] shan1 qiong2 shui3 jin4
: mountain and river exhausted; at the end of the line; nowhere to go

後患無窮 [后患无穷] hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2
: it will cause no end of trouble; nip the problem in the bud
打蛇不死,後患無窮 [打蛇不死,后患无穷] da3 she2 bu4 si3 , hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2
: beat the snake to death or it will cause endless calamity; nip the problem in the bud

國弱民窮 [国弱民穷] guo2 ruo4 min2 qiong2
: the country weakened and the people impoverished

層出不窮 [层出不穷] ceng2chu1 bu4qiong2
: more and more emerge; innumerable succession; breeding like flies

裝窮叫苦 [装穷叫苦 zhuang1 qiong2 jiao4 ku3
: to feign and complain bitterly of being poverty stricken

裝酸哭窮 [装酸哭穷] zhuang1 suan1 ku1 qiong2
: to dress poorly and plead poverty (even though rich)

貧窮潦倒 [贫穷潦倒] pin2 qiong2 liao2 dao3
: poverty stricken

黔驢技窮 [黔驴技穷] qian2 lü2 ji4 qiong2
: to exhaust one’s limited abilities

救急不救窮 [救急不救穷] jiu4 ji2 bu4 jiu4 qiong2
: help the starving but not the poor

人窮志不窮 [人穷志不穷] ren2 qiong2 zhi4 bu4 qiong2
: poor but with great ambitions; poor but principled

窮在鬧市無人問,富在深山有遠親 [穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲] qiong2 zai4 nao4 shi4 wu2 ren2 wen4 , fu4 zai4 shen1 shan1 you3 yuan3 qin1
: the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain

窮 qiong2: poor, destitute, impoverished =
穴 xue2: cave radical 116, den, hole +
躬 gong1: body; personally, in person

竆 qiong2: exhausted; impoverished; poor

簡體 Simplified.
穷. Created as generic character simplification #91 (窮 » 穷) via replacement of character component.

jiu1: to look into (examine, investigate)
[kun: きわめる kiwameru. on: キュウ kyuu、ク ku]

wo3men qiong2, dan4shi4 hen3 kuai4le4
We are poor, but we are very happy.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary