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理: reason, logic; manage

By August 4, 2016December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


理 lǐ

adjective | verb
: texture; grain (of wood)
: inner essence; intrinsic order
: reason; logic; truth; science
: natural science (esp. physics)
: to manage; to pay attention to; to run (affairs); to handle; to put in order; to tidy up

Kun Reading

理 | ことわり kotowari

: reason; truth; way of things; justice

On Reading

理 | り ri

: reason; principle; logic
: (Buddhist term) general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon)
: (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos


理論[论] li3lun4: theory; to argue; to take notice of
[理論 | りろん riron: theory]
理解 li3jie3: to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding
[りかい rikai: understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy]
理由 li3you2: reason; grounds; justification [りゆう riyuu: reason; pretext; motive]
理想 li3xiang3: an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect [りそう risou: ideal; dream]
物理 wu4li3: physics; physical [ぶつり butsuri: physics; law of nature]

物理學家 [物理学家] wu4 li3 xue2 jia1: physicist
[物理学者 | ぶつりがくしゃ butsuri gakusha: physicist]  
天體物理學 [天体物理学] tian1 ti3 wu4 li3 xue2: astrophysics
[天体物理学 | てんたいぶつりがく tentai butsuri gaku OR
宇宙物理学 | うちゅうぶつりがく uchuu butsuri gaku: astrophysics]

管理 guan3li3: to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration
[かんり kanri: control; management (e.g. of a business)]

圖書管理員 [图书管理员] tu2 shu1 guan3 li3 yuan2: librarian
[図書館員 | としょかんいん toshokan in: librarian]

總[总]理 zong3li3: premier; prime minister
[総理 | そうり souri: prime minister; leader; overseer (of national affairs); president]
道理 dao4li3: reason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification
[どうり douri: reason; truth]
處[处]理 chu3li3: to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process; to deal with a criminal case; to mete out punishment; to offer for sale at a reduced price; to punish
[処理 | しょり ryori: processing; dealing with; treatment; disposition; disposal]
合理 he2li3: rational; reasonable; fair [ごうり gouri: rational]
料理 liao4li3: to arrange; to handle; to cook; cuisine; art of cooking
[りょうり ryouri: cooking; cookery; cuisine
: dealing with something; handling; administration; management]

料理屋 | りょうりや ryouriya: restaurant
料理店 liao4li3 dian4: restaurant [りょうりてん ryouriten]  
郷土料理 | きょうどりょうり kyoudo ryouri: local cuisine
日本料理 ri4ben3 liao4li3: Japanese cooking [にほんりょうり nihon ryouri]  
カントン料理 | カントンりょうり kanton ryouri: Cantonese food
朝鮮料理 | ちょうせんりょうり chousen ryouri: Korean food
西洋料理 | せいようりょうり seiyou ryouri: Western food; Western-style food
炙り料理 | あぶりりょうり aburi ryouri: cooking meat, fish, etc. over flames
本膳料理 | ほんぜんりょうり honzenryouri: extremely high-grade Japanese meal served all at once (on a table with legs)
有職料理 | ゆうそくりょうり yuusoku ryouri: yusoku cuisine; banquet cuisine based on that of Heian period nobility

總經理 [总经理] zong3 jing1li3: general manager; CEO
安理會 [安理会] an1 li3 hui4: (United Nations) Security Council

常任理事國 [常任理事国] chang2 ren4 li3 shi4 guo2: permanent member state (of UN Security Council)

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
存在理由 | そんざいりゆう sonzai riyuu
: (yoji) reason for being; raison d’etre

事理明白 | じりめいはく jiri meihaku
: (yoji) facts being beyond dispute; logic being indisputable

屁理屈屋 | へりくつや heri kutsuya
: (yoji) sophist; quibbler

空理空論 | くうりくうろん kuuri kuuron
: (yoji) impractical or useless theory

義理にも | ぎりにも giri nimo: in all conscience; in honor; in duty bound

義理の姉 | ぎりのあね giri no ane:one’s sister-in-law; stepsister (elder)
義理の兄 | ぎりのあに giri no ani: one’s brother-in-law; stepbrother (elder)
義理の母 | ぎりのはは giri no haha: mother-in-law; foster mother; stepmother
義理の父 | ぎりのちち giri no chichi: father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
義理の親 | ぎりのおや giri no oya: parent-in-law; parents-in-law

義理一遍 | ぎりいっぺん giri ippen
:(yoji) perfunctory; going-through-the-motions-sort of (invitation, gift, etc.)

義理人情 | ぎりにんじょう giri ninjou
: (yoji) duty and humanity; (a sense of) moral obligation and humane feelings

道理至極 | どうりしごく douri shigoku
: (yoji) very reasonable; being perfectly consistent with reason; standing to reason

無理往生 | むりおうじょう muri oujou
: (yoji) forcing compliance

無理算段 | むりさんだん muri sandan
: (yoji) scraping together (a sum of money); raising (a sum of money) by straining one’s credit

無理矢理 | むりやり muri yari
: (yoji) forcibly; against one’s will

無理無体 | むりむたい muri mutai
: (yoji) by force

無理非道 | むりひどう muri hidou
: (yoji) unreasonable and unjust; unconscionable

広告代理店 | こうこくだいりてん koukoku dairi ten
: advertising agency; advertising firm; advertising company

理の有る | りのある ri no aru: justifiable

理に落ちる | りにおちる ri ni achiru
: to become overly logical; to be hairsplitting

理にかなう | りにかなう ri ni kanau
: to make sense

理の当然 | りのとうぜん ri no touzen
: standing to reason; natural

理解を示す | りかいをしめす rikai o shimesu
: to show understanding; to appreciate; to be positive about

理由を付ける | りゆうをつける riyuu o tsukeru
: to give a reason

理性に訴える | りせいにうったえる risei ni uttaeru
: to appeal to one’s reason

ご無理ご尤も | ごむりごもっとも gomuri gomottomo
: you are unquestionably right

義理を立てる | ぎりをたてる giri o tateru
: to be faithful; to do one’s duty

いくつかの理由から | いくつかのりゆうから ikutsuka no riyuu kara
: for whatever reason

さまざまな理由から | さまざまなりゆうから samazamana riyuu kara
: for various reasons

理屈と膏薬はどこへでも付く | りくつとこうやくはどこへでもつく
rikutsu to kouyaku wa doko he demo tsuku
: one can give a plausible argument for anything

無理が通れば道理が引っ込む | むりがとおればどうりがひっこむ muri ga tooreba douri ga hikkomu
: Where might is master, justice is servant

盗人にも三分の理 | ぬすびとにもさんぶのり nusubito ni mo sanbu no ri
: Even a thief has his reasons

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
理屈詞窮 [理屈词穷] li3 qu1 ci2 qiong2
: faulty argument and poor rhetoric; unable to put forward any convincing arguments; without a leg to stand on

理直氣壯 [理直气壮] li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
: in the right and self-confident; bold and confident with justice on one’s side; to have the courage of one’s convictions; just and forceful

及時處理 [及时处理] ji2 shi2 chu3 li3
: timely handling; a stitch in time

坐視不理 [坐视不理] zuo4 shi4 bu4 li3
: to sit and watch, but remain indifferent

強詞奪理 [强词夺理] qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3
: to twist words and force logic; sophistry; loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument; shoving false arguments down people’s throats

心安理得 xin1 an1 li3 de2
: to have a clear conscience; to have no qualms about something

喪天害理 [丧天害理] sang4 tian1 hai4 li3
: devoid of conscience

喜結連理 [喜结连理] xi3 jie2 lian2 li3
: to tie the knot; to get married

傷天害理 [伤天害理] shang1 tian1 hai4 li3
: to offend Heaven and reason; bloody atrocities that cry to heaven; outrageous acts

入情入理 ru4 qing2 ru4 li3
: sensible and reasonable

公平合理 gong1 ping2 he2 li3
: fair; equitable

愛理不理 [爱理不理] ai4 li3 bu4 li3
: to look cold and indifferent; standoffish

懶得搭理 [懒得搭理] lan3 de5 da1 li3
: not wishing to acknowledge sb; unwilling to respond

慢條斯理 [慢条斯理] man4 tiao2 si1 li3
: with calculated unhurried steps; slow and deliberate; methodical

置之不理 zhi4 zhi1 bu4 li3
: pay no heed to; to ignore; to brush aside

蠻不講理 [蛮不讲理] man2 bu4 jiang3 li3
: capricious mule-headedness

知書達理 [知书达理] zhi1 shu1 da2 li3
: educated and well-balanced

有條有理 [有条有理] you3 tiao2 you3 li3
: everything clear and orderly; neat and tidy

明達事理 [明达事理] ming2 da2 shi4 li3
: reasonable; sensible

無理取鬧 [无理取闹] wu2 li3 qu3 nao4
: to make trouble without reason; to be deliberately provocative

自知理虧 [自知理亏] zi4 zhi1 li3 kui1
: to know that one is in the wrong

違天害理 [违天害理] wei2 tian1 hai4 li3
: lit. violating heaven and reason; immoral character

至理名言 zhi4 li3 ming2 yan2
: wise saying; words of wisdom

通情達理 [通情达理] tong1 qing2 da2 li3
: fair and reasonable; sensible; standing to reason

及時處理,事半功倍 [及时处理,事半功倍] ji2 shi2 chu3 li3 , shi4 ban4 gong1 bei4
: timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort; the right approach saves effort and leads to better results; a stitch in time saves nine

在天願做比翼鳥,在地願做連理枝 [在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿做连理枝] zai4 tian1 yuan4 zuo4 bi3 yi4 niao3 , zai4 di4 yuan4 zuo4 lian2 li3 zhi1
: In the sky to be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined. Wishing for conjugal bliss

形声 Pictophonetic.
王 ( wang2: king; jade radical) suggests the meaning while
(li3: unit of distance; inside; village; lane) provides the sound.

Historical variant:
理 li3: reason, logic; manage

mai2 | man2: to bury; to blame
[kun: うまる umaru, うめる umeru, うずまる uzumaru, うずめる uzumeru, うもれる umoreru OR うずもれる uzumoreru, いかる ikaru, いける ikeru. on: マイ mai]


かれはてきをりょうりした kare wa teki o ryouri shita
He easily beat his opponent.


xiao4tan2 zhi1zhong1 you3 zhi4 li3
Many a true word is spoken in jest.


一千個傷心的理由 – Jacky Cheung 張學友





credit: Jacky Cheung 張學友

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary