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風: wind

By July 21, 2016January 27th, 2021Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


風 [风] fēng

noun | radical 182
: wind
: news
: style; custom; manner

Kun Reading

風 | かぜ kaze

: wind; breeze

On Reading

風 | ふう fuu

na-adjective | noun | noun suffix
: method; manner; way; style
: appearance; air
: tendency
: folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
: wind (one of the five elements)

風 | ふり furi

noun | counter
: swing; shake; wave; swinging;
: (Usually written using kana alone) appearance; behavior;
: (Usually written using kana alone) pretense; show;
: (Usually written using kana alone) lacking a reservation or introduction (at a restaurant, etc.)
: postures (of a dance)
: unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman’s garment; () counter for swords, blades, etc.

フ fu


風[风]景 feng1jing3: scenery; landscape
[風景 | ふうけい fuukei: scenery]
風[风]水 feng1shui3: feng shui; geomancy
[風水 | ふうすい fuusui: Chinese geomancy; feng shui]
風[风]雨 feng1yu3: wind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships
[風雨 | ふうう fuu: wind and rain]
風[风]俗 feng1su2: social custom
[風俗 | ふうぞく fuuzoku: manners; customs
: sex service; sex industry]
風[风]力 feng1li4: wind force; wind power
[風力 | ふうりょく fuuryoku: wind power]
風[风]格 feng1ge2: style
[風格 | ふうかく fuukaku: personality; style; appearance]
風氣 [风气] feng1qi4: general mood; atmosphere; common practice
頭風 [头风] you2feng1: headache; (slang) crazy
作風[风] zuo4feng1: style; style of work; way
[作風 | さくふう sakufuu: literary style]
狂風[风] kuang2feng1: gale; squall; whole gale (meteorology)
[狂風 | きょうふう kyoufuu: raging wind]
颳風 [刮风] gua1feng1: to be windy
威風[风] wei1feng1: might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive
[威風 | いふう ifuu: majesty; dignity]
颱風[风] tai2feng1: hurricane; typhoon
[颱風 OR 台風 | たいふう taifuu: typhoon; hurricane

龍捲風 [龙卷风] long2 juan3 feng1: tornado; hurricane; twister; cyclone

風濕性關節炎 [风湿性关节炎] feng1 shi1 xing4 guan1 jie2 yan2: rheumatoid arthritis

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
神風 | かみかぜ kamikaze
: divine wind (esp. a typhoon thought to have protected Japan from a Mongolian invasion in the 13th century);
: kamikaze (suicide attacks by Japanese military aviators against Allied naval vessels towards the end of World War II in the Pacific; designed to destroy warships more effectively than was possible with conventional attacks)

風林火山 | ふうりんかざん fuurin kazan
: (yoji) as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain

一路順風 | いちろじゅんぷう ichiro junpuu
: (yoji) sailing before the wind; everything is going well

花鳥風月 | かちょうふうげつ kachoufuugetsu
: (yoji) beauties of nature; the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics
: artistic pursuits involving nature themes

*光風霽月 | こうふうせいげつ koufuu seigetsu
: (yoji) serenity

**櫛風沐雨 | しっぷうもくう shippuu mokuu
: (yoji) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships

順風満帆 | じゅんぷうまんぽ junpuu manpo OR じゅんぷうまんぱん junpuu manpan
: (yoji) smooth sailing

馬耳東風 | ばじとうふう baji toufuu
: (yoji) utter indifference; talking to the wall; praying to deaf ears

露天風呂 | ろてんぶろ rotenburo
: (yoji) open air bath; rotemburo

醇風美俗 | じゅんぷうびぞく junpuu bizoku
: (yoji) good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life

何処吹く風 | どこふくかぜ doko fuku kaze
: something that doesn’t concern one at all

どういう風に | どういうふうに douiu fuuni
: (expression) in what way (do you mean)

威風堂々 | いふうどうどう ifuu doudou
: being majestic; with great pomp and circumstance; with an imposing air

威風凛々 | いふうりんりん ifuu rinrin
: awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately (dignified) manner

***どうした風の吹き回しか | どうしたかぜのふきまわしか doushita kaze no fuki mawashika
: (expression) whatever brought that on?

物言えば唇寒し秋の風 | ものいえばくちびるさむしあきのかぜ mono ieba kuchibiru samushi aki no kaze
: Silence is golden

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
搶風頭 [抢风头] qiang3 feng1 tou2
: to steal the show; to grab the limelight

耳邊風 [耳边风] er3 bian1 feng1
: lit. wind past your ear; fig. something you don’t pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other

順風車 [顺风车] shun4 feng1 che1
: vehicle that gives one a free ride; (fig.) (ride on sb’s) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity

風平浪靜 [风平浪静] feng1 ping2 lang4 jing4
風恬浪靜 [风恬浪静] feng1 tian2 lang4 jing4
: lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet; tranquil environment. All is quiet. A dead calm (at sea)

一路順風 [一路顺风] yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1
: to have a pleasant journey

喝西北風 [喝西北风] he1 xi1 bei3 feng1
: lit. drink the northwest wind; cold and hungry

招風惹草 [招风惹草] zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3
: lit. call the fire to burn the grass; to cause a quarrel by provocation; to stir up trouble

空穴來風 [空穴来风] kong1 xue2 lai2 feng1
: lit. wind from an empty cave; fig. unfounded (story); baseless (claim)
空穴來風未必無因 [空穴来风未必无因] kong4 xue2 lai2 feng1 wei4 bi4 wu2 yin1
: wind does not come from an empty cave without reason; there’s no smoke without fire

經歷風雨 [经历风雨] jing1 li4 feng1 yu3
: to go through thick and thin

狂風暴雨 [狂风暴雨] kuang2 feng1 bao4 yu3
: howling wind and torrential rain. fig. difficult, dangerous situation

避避風頭 [避避风头] bi4 bi4 feng1 tou2
: to lie low until the fuss dies down

*光風霽月 [光风霁月] guang1 feng1 ji4 yue4
: lit. light breeze and clear moon; period of peace and prosperity; noble and benevolent character

頤指風使 [颐指风使] yi2 zhi3 feng1 shi3
: lit. to order people by pointing the chin; to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy

頂風停止 [顶风停止] ding3 feng1 ting2 zhi3
: to lie to (facing the wind)

順風轉舵 [顺风转舵] shun4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
: to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled

飽經風霜 [饱经风霜] bao3 jing1 feng1 shuang1
: weather-beaten; having experienced the hard ship of life

饒有風趣 [饶有风趣]rao2 you3 feng1 qu4
: bubbling with humor; witty and interesting

高風亮節 [高风亮节] gao1 feng1 liang4 jie2
: of noble character and unquestionable integrity

高風峻節 [高风峻节] gao1 feng1 jun4 jie2
: a high class upright character

隨風倒柳 [随风倒柳] sui2 feng1 dao3 liu3
: lit. a willow that bends with the wind; one with no fixed principles

隨風倒舵 [随风倒舵] sui2 feng1 dao3 duo4
: to trim one’s sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances

雲散風流 [云散风流] yun2 san4 feng1 liu2
: lit. clouds scatter, wind flows; the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal

雷厲風行 [雷厉风行] lei2 li4 feng1 xing2
: pass like thunder and move like the wind; swift and decisive reaction

附庸風雅 [附庸风雅] fu4 yong1 feng1 ya3
: (of an uneducated person) to mingle with the cognoscenti; to pose as a culture lover; to be a culture snob; having pretensions to culture

風水輪流轉 [风水轮流转] feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2 zhuan4
: Reversal of the wheel of fortune. Every dog has his day.

秋風掃落葉 [秋风扫落叶] qiu1 feng1 sao3 luo4 ye4
: lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves; to drive out the old and make a clean sweep

疾風知勁草 [疾风知劲草] ji2 feng1 zhi1 jing4 cao3
: the storm put strong grass to the test; fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one’s true colors after a stern test; also written 疾風勁草|疾风劲草

無風不起浪 [无风不起浪] wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4
: lit. without wind there cannot be waves; there must be a reason; no smoke without fire

樹大招風 [树大招风] shu4 da4 zhao1 feng1
: lit. a tall tree attracts the wind; a famous person attract criticism; If you’re rich or famous, people will envy you.

**櫛風沐雨 [栉风沐雨] zhi4 feng1 mu4 yu3
: lit. to comb one’s hair in the wind and wash it in the rain; fig. to work in the open regardless of the weather

滿面春風 [满面春风] man3 mian4 chun1 feng1
: beaming; radiant with happiness

春風得意 [春风得意] chun1 feng1 de2 yi4
: flushed with success; proud of one’s success (in exams, promotion etc); as pleased as punch

聽風就是雨 [听风就是雨] ting1 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3
: lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind; to believe rumors; to be credulous
聽見風就是雨 [听见风就是雨] ting1 jian4 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3
: lit. on hearing wind, to say rain; to agree uncritically with whatever people say; to parrot other people’s words; to chime in with others

風馬牛不相及 [风马牛不相及] feng1 ma3 niu2 bu4 xiang1 ji2
: to be completely unrelated to one another; irrelevant

天有不測風雲 [天有不测风云] tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2
: fortune as unpredictable as the weather; something unexpected may happen at any moment

任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 [任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台] ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 , wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2
: lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm; to stay calm during tense situation; a cool head in a crisis

**什麼風把你吹來的 [什么风把你吹来的] shen2 me5 feng1 ba3 ni3 chui1 lai2 de5
: What brings you here?

天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福 [天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福] tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2 , ren2 you3 dan4 xi1 huo4 fu2
: fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity; something unexpected may happen at any moment

樹欲靜而風不止 [树欲静而风不止] shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3
: lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease; fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not

時代不同,風尚不同 [时代不同,风尚不同] shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 , feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2
: customs change with time; other times, other manners. O Tempora, O Mores!

砍頭不過風吹帽 [砍头不过风吹帽] kan3 tou2 bu4 guo4 feng1 chui1 mao4
: to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat

疾風知勁草,烈火見真金 [疾风知劲草,烈火见真金] ji2 feng1 zhi1 jin4 cao3 , lie4 huo3 jian4 zhen1 jin1
: the storm put strong grass to the test, fire tests true gold; fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one’s true colors after a stern test

無限風光在險峰 [无限风光在险峰] wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1
: The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory

事俱備,只欠東風 [万事俱备,只欠东风] wan4 shi4 ju4 bei4 , zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1
: lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind; fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item

風中燭,瓦上霜 [风中烛,瓦上霜] feng1 zhong1 zhu2 , wa3 shang4 shuang1
: lit. like a candle in the wind, or frost on the roof; fig. (of sb’s life) feeble; hanging on a thread

野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 [野火烧不尽,春风吹又生] ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 , chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1
: lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass – it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风 ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1

形声 Pictophonetic.
凡 (fan2: all) suggest the meaning while
(chong2: insect radical 142) provides the sound.

“Wind” radical 182

簡體 Simplified.
风. Created as generic character simplification #33 (風 » 风).


かぜがまだつよくふきます kaze ga mada tsuyoku fukimasu
The wind still blows hard.

wai4mian hao3 da4feng1. kuai4 jin4lai2. bu4yao4 zhao2liang2.
It’s very windy out. Get in quickly. You don’t want to catch a cold.


龍捲風- Jay Chou 周杰伦 (ft.費玉清)


愛像一陣風 吹完它就走
這樣的節奏 誰都無可奈何
沒有妳以後 我靈魂失控
黑雲在降落 我被它拖著走

陷入了危險邊緣 Baby
我的世界已狂風暴雨 Wu

愛情來的太快 就像龍捲風
離不開暴風圈 來不及逃
我不能再想 我不能再想
我不 我不 我不能

愛情走的太快 就像龍捲風
不能承受 我已無處可躲
我不要再想 我不要再想
我不 我不 我不要再想你

不知不覺 你已經離開我
不知不覺 我跟了這節奏
後知後覺 又過了一個秋
後知後覺 我該好好生活

陷入了危險邊緣 Baby
我的世界已狂風暴雨 Wu

愛情來的太快 就像龍捲風
離不開暴風圈 來不及逃
我不能再想 我不能再想
我不 我不 我不能

愛情走的太快 就像龍捲風
不能承受 我已無處可躲
我不要再想 我不要再想
我不 我不 我不要再想你~


愛情來的太快 就像龍捲風
離不開暴風圈 來不及逃
我不能再想 我不能再想
我不 我不 我不能

愛情走的太快 就像龍捲風
不能承受 我已無處可躲
我不要再想 我不要再想
我不 我不 我不要再想你~

不知不覺 你已經離開我
不知不覺 我跟了這節奏
後知後覺 又過了一個秋
後知後覺 我該好好生活

不知不覺 你已經離開我
不知不覺 我跟了這節奏
後知後覺 又過了一個秋
後知後覺 我該好好生活 (哦~耶~)

不知不覺 你已經離開我
不知不覺 我跟了這節奏
後知後覺 後知後覺

credit: Jay Chou 周杰伦

風繼續吹 – Leslie Cheung 張國榮

作曲:Ryudo Uzaki/Youko Agi

◇我勸妳早點歸去 妳說妳不想歸去
衹叫我抱著妳 悠悠海風輕輕吹
我看見傷心的妳 妳叫我怎捨得去
哭態也絕美 如何止哭
讓風繼續吹 不忍遠離
心裡極渴望 希望留下伴著妳

風繼續吹 不忍遠離
過去多少快樂記憶 何妨與妳一起去追
要將憂鬱苦痛洗去 柔情蜜意我願記取
要強忍離情淚 未許它向下垂
愁如鎖眉頭聚 別離淚始終要下垂

我已令妳快樂 妳也令我癡癡醉
妳已在我心 不必再問記著誰
留住眼內每滴淚 為何仍斷續流默默垂◇

Repeat ◇

credit: Leslie Cheung 張國榮

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary