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冬: winter

By June 30, 2016December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


冬 dōng

: winter

鼕 [冬] dōng

: beating a drum; rat-a-tat

Kun Reading

冬 | ふゆ fuyu

adverbial noun | temporal noun
: winter

冬めく | ふゆめく fuyumeku

godan verb with ku ending | intransitive verb
: to become wintry

On Reading

トウ tou


四季 si4ji4: four seasons

chun1: spring
xia4: summer
qiu1: autumn
dong1: winter

冬天 dong1tian1: winter
冬季 dong1ji4: winter [とうき touki: (season of) winter]
冬瓜 dong1gua1: wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida); white gourd; white hairy melon; Chinese squash
[とうがん tougan: wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); ash gourd; white gourd; winter melon]

東瓜豆腐 OR 冬瓜豆腐 dong1gua1 dou4fu: (cantonese) misfortune
“after funerals, it was customary to have a vegetarian banquet of sorts to thank friends and relatives in which typical foods consumed were 冬瓜 and 豆腐 (among other vegetables/vegetarian foods). As a result, these foods became associated with unexpected disasters or accidents.
Also, during Halloween, 冬瓜豆腐 would be given to the ghosts/spirits to eat, and this later evolved and became associated with misfortune.”

冬令 dong1iìng4: winter; winter climate
冬夏 dong1xia4: winter and summer
冬至 dong1zhi4: Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四节气 22nd December-5th January
[とうじ touji: winter solstice]

冬至粥 | とうじがゆ: azuki bean rice gruel eaten on the day of the winter solstice (to chase away demons that spread contagious diseases)

過冬 [过冬] guo4 dong1: to get through the winter

Also means: to have dinner with family members during the winter solstice festival 過冬至節

越冬 yue4dong1: to pass the winter; to overwinter; to live through the winter
[えっとう ettou: passing the winter; hibernation]

越冬資金 | えっとうしきん ettou shikin: winter bonus

丁冬 ding1dong1: (onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound
初冬 chu1dong1: early winter
[しょとう shotou OR はつふゆ hatsufuyu: early winter]
嚴[严]冬 yan2dong1: severe winter [厳冬 | げんとう gentou: severe winter]
天門冬 [天门冬] tian1 men2 dong1: asparagus
[天門冬 | てんもんどう tenmondou: dried Chinese asparagus root]
冬蟲夏草 [冬虫夏草] dong1 chong2 xia4 cao3: caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis) [highly prized herbal medicine]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
冬休み | ふゆやすみ fuyu yasumi: winter vacation

*春夏秋冬 | しゅんかしゅうとう shunka shuutou
: (yoji) spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter; the four seasons

夏炉冬扇 | かろとうせん karo tousen
: (yoji) summer fires and winter fans; useless things

夏山冬里 | なつやまふゆさと natsuyama fuyusato
: (yoji) pasturing cattle in summer and feeding them indoors during winter; rotated grazing

冬来たりなば春遠からじ | ふゆきたりなばはるとおからじ fuyu kitari naba haru tookaraji
: If Winter comes can Spring be far behind?

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
*春夏秋冬 chun1 xia4 qiu1 dong1
: the four seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter

無冬無夏 [无冬无夏] wu2 dong1 wu2 xia4
: regardless of the season; all the year round

The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.

春生,夏長,秋收,冬藏 [春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏] chun1 sheng1 , xia4 zhang3 , qiu1 shou1 , dong1 cang2
: sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter

会意 Associative Compound.
Originally, a picture of a rope with a knot at each end, meaning 終 (zhong1: end).

Suggested Mnemonic.
Go 夂 (zhi4: go radical 34) cold 冫 (bing1: ice radical 15).

形声 Pictophonetic.
鼓 (gu3: drum) suggests the meaning while
冬 (dong1: winter) provides the sound.

Historical variant:
鼕 [冬] dong1: beating a drum; rat-a-tat


ふゆがちかづいてきた fuyu ga chikazuitekita
Winter is approaching.


qu4nian2 dong1tian1 xia4le hao3duo1 xue3
There was a lot of snow last winter.

冬のある日の唄 – Greeeen


今年の冬も 鐘の音が 鳴り響く頃
サンタクロースに 祈ったプレゼント
何より大事な あなたとの日々です

あなたと2人 部屋に飾りつけ 来年も これから先も
ずっと 祝おう
Merry Xmas

今年も彩る 愛の光たち
どんな想いも きっと届くだろう
どんな願いも 叶うだろう

街行く人は 足早に

噛み締め贈る プレゼント

そんな私に 電話越しに笑うあなた
Merry Xmas

今年も聞こえる ジングルベルの音
どんな想いも きっと届くだろう
どんな願いも 叶うだろう

寒空の下 待ち合わせ場所
ほら 空から舞い降りる 白い光たち

どうか 温もり届けておくれ

今年も彩る 愛の光たち
どんな想いも きっと届くだろう
どんな願いも 叶うだろう

ずっと 特別な2人でいよう

credit: Greeeen

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary