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通: to pass through; common

By June 23, 2016December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


通 tōng

adjective | verb | measure word
: to go through; to know well
: common; universal
: (suffix) expert
: to connect; to communicate
: open
: to clear
: measure word for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc

通 tòng

measure word
: measure word for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)

Kun Reading

通い | かよい kayoi

: coming and going; commuting

通う | かよう kayou

godan verb with u ending | intransitive verb
: to go back and forth; to ply between
: to commute; to attend (school, church, etc.)

通し | とおし tooshi

: direct; right through; straight
: appetizer
: (Abbreviation) performance of an entire play

通す | とおす toosu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to let pass; to overlook; to continue; to keep; to make way for; to persist in

通り | とおり toori

adverbial noun | noun
: avenue; street; way; road
: coming and going; street traffic
: flow (of water, air, etc.)
: transmission (of sound); reach (e.g. of voice)
: fame; reputation; popularity
: the same status or way; as (e.g. as expected, as I said)
: understanding; comprehension
: (Counter) counter for sets of things; counter for methods, ways, types

通る | とおる tooru

: to go by; to go past; to go along; to travel along; to pass through; to use (a road); to take (a route); to go via; to go by way of
: to run (between); to operate (between); to connect
: to go indoors; to go into a room; to be admitted; to be shown in; to be ushered in; to come in
: to penetrate; to pierce; to skewer; to go through; to come through
: to permeate; to soak into; to spread throughout
: to carry (e.g. of a voice); to reach far
: to be passed on (e.g. of a customer’s order to the kitchen); to be relayed; to be conveyed
: to pass (a test, a bill in the House, etc.); to be approved; to be accepted
: to go by (a name); to be known as; to be accepted as; to have a reputation for
: to be coherent; to be logical; to be reasonable; to be comprehensible; to be understandable; to make sense
: to get across (e.g. of one’s point); to be understood
: to be straight (e.g. wood grain)
: (Archaism) to be well-informed; to be wise; () to do … completely; to do … thoroughly

通り | どおり doori

noun suffix
: in accordance with …; following …
: roughly; about
: .. Street; .. Avenue

通し | どおし dooshi

noun suffix
: throughout…; all through…

通じ | つうじ tsuuji

: understanding
: bowel movement; evacuation

On Reading

通 | つう tsuu

na-adjective | noun
: connoisseur; authority;
: (Counter) counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.

ツ tsu


通過[过] tong1guo4: by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over
[通過 | つうか tsuuka: passage through; transit; passing]
通知 tong1zhi1: to notify; to inform; notice; notification [つうち tsuuchi: notice; notification; report; posting]
通夜 tong1ye4: all through the night; overnight
[つや tsuya: all-night vigil over a body; wake]
通訊[讯] tong1xun4: communications; news story; dispatch
通信 tong1xin4: to correspond (by letter etc); to communicate; communication
[つうしん tsuushin: correspondence; communication; transmission; news; signal]
通常 tong1chang2: regular; usual; normal; usually; normally
[つうじょう tsuujou: common; general; normal; usual]
交通 jiao1tong1: to be connected; traffic; transportation; communications; liaison
[こうつう koutsuu: traffic; transportation; communication; exchange (of ideas, etc.); intercourse]

公共交通 gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1: public transport; mass transit
交通意外 jiao1 tong1 yi4 wai4: traffic accident; car crash
交通事故 | こうつうじこ koutsuu jiko: traffic accident

普通 pu3tong: common or widespread; ordinary; general; average; universal
[ふつう futsuu: general; ordinary; usual;
: (Adverb) normally; generally; usually
: (Abbreviation) train that stops at every station]

普通話 [普通话] pu3tong1 hua4: (common language); Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language); ordinary speech
[普通話 | ふつうわ futsuuwa: putonghua; standard (Mandarin) Chinese]

溝[沟]通 gou1tong1: to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate
流通 liu2tong1: to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution
[りゅうつう ryuutsuu: circulation of money or goods; flow of water or air; distribution

: (Noun or verb acting prenominally) negotiable (e.g. shares)]

暢[畅]通 chang4tong1: unimpeded; free-flowing; straight path; unclogged; move without obstruction
打通宵 da3 tong1 xiao1: to spend the whole night

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
通行禁止 | つうこうきんし tsuukou kinshi
: No Entry! entry is prohibited

その通り | そのとおり sono toori
: just like that; quite so; I agree

仰る通り | おっしゃるとおり ossharu toori
: (honorific or respectful language) I agree with you; it is as (someone) says

心が通う | こころがかよう kokoro ga kayou
: to understand each other well; to call forth a response in another’s heart; to relate to

*四通八達 | しつうはったつ shitsuu hattatsu
: (yoji) traffic network extending in all directions

**最後通牒 | さいごつうちょう saigo tsuuchou
: (yoji) ultimatum

意思疎通 | いしそつう ishisotsuu
: (yoji) (coming to a) mutual understanding; understanding each other

音信不通 | おんしんふつう onshin futsuu OR いんしんふつう inshin futsuu
: (yoji) break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with

ご覧の通り | ごらんのとおり goran no toori
: (honorific or respectful language) as you see

いつも通り | いつもどおり itsumodoori OR いつもとおり itsumotoori
: as always; as usual; (ik) as always; as usual

通常条件下で | つうじょうじょうけんかで tsuujou jouken kade
: under normal conditions

窮すれば通ず | きゅうすればつうず kyuusureba tsuuzu
: Necessity is the mother of invention. There is always some way out of a difficulty if you really look for one

至誠天に通ず | しせいてんにつうず shisei ten ni tsuuzu
: Sincerity can move heaven

どれにしようかな天の神様の言う通り | どれにしようかなてんのかみさまのいうとおり
dore ni shiyou kana ten no kamisama no iu toori
: eeny, meeny, miny, moe; eenie, meenie, minie, moe

女の一念岩をも通す | おんなのいちねんいわをもとおす onna no ichinen iwa o motoosu
: (proverb) Women will have their wills

思う念力岩をも通す | おもうねんりきいわをもとおす omou nenriki iwa o motoosu
: (proverb) Where there is a will, there is a way

無理が通れば道理が引っ込む | むりがとおればどうりがひっこむ muri ga tooreba douri ga hikkomu
: Where might is master, justice is servant

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
通情達理 [通情达理] tong1 qing2 da2 li3
: fair and reasonable; sensible; standing to reason

一點就通 [一点就通] yi1 dian3 jiu4 tong1
: a hint is all that is needed; understanding each other without the need to explain

一通百通 yi1 tong1 bai3 tong1
: grasp this fundamental point and all the rest will follow

半通不通 ban4 tong1 bu4 tong1
: to not fully understand

博識多通 [博识多通] bo2 shi2 duo1 tong1
: knowledgeable and perspicacious

弄懂弄通 nong4 dong3 nong4 tong1
: to get a thorough understanding of something

*四通八達 [四通八达] si4 tong1 ba1 da2
: roads open in all directions; accessible from all sides

消息靈通 [消息灵通] xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1
: to be well-informed

**最後通牒 [最后通牒] zui4 hou4 tong1 die2
: ultimatum

時運亨通 [时运亨通] shi2 yun4 heng1 tong1
: our luck is in, everything is going smoothly

神通廣大 [神通广大] shen2 tong1 guang3 da4
: to possess great magical power; to possess remarkable abilities

無師自通 [无师自通] wu2 shi1 zi4 tong1
: self-taught; to learn without a teacher

狗屁不通 gou3 pi4 bu4 tong1
: (writing or speech); nonsensical; a load of crap

錢可通神 [钱可通神] qian2 ke3 tong1 shen2
: with money, you can do anything; money talks
錢能通神 [钱能通神] qian2 neng2 tong1 shen2
: money is all-powerful; money can move God

靈犀相通 [灵犀相通] ling2 xi1 xiang1 tong1
: kindred spirits

心有靈犀一點通 [心有灵犀一点通] xin1 you3 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
: hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn; fig. two hearts beat as one

條條大路通羅馬 [条条大路通罗马] tiao2 tiao2 da4 lu4 tong1 luo2 ma3
: all roads lead to Rome. Use different means to obtain the same result

形声 Pictophonetic.
辶 (chuo4: walk radical 162) suggests the meaning while
(yong3: path | bucket) provides the sound.


れっしゃはじこくどおりにでますか ressha wa jikoku doori ni demasuka
Will the train leave on time?


ni3 tong1chang2 zhe4ge shi2hou4 zuo4 shen2me
What do you do usually at this hour?

全面通緝 – Wilber Pan 潘玮柏


黑色的烤漆閃爍 流線出速度輪廓
追蹤你神出鬼沒 瞄準就聚焦行動

解碼你每個動作 攔截你訊息電流
說說說說你愛我 這程式鎖定啟動

我正成為下一代傳說 oh~~

頭號刺客的行動 全面通緝的我
精準的 伺機而出 把愛射入你的腦波
愛的刺客行動 我絕不會失手
我就是Killa killa killa killa 別想抗拒no no no

No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1

黑色的烤漆閃爍 流線出速度輪廓
追蹤你神出鬼沒 瞄準就聚焦行動

解碼你每個動作 攔截你訊息電流
說說說說你愛我 這程式鎖定啟動

我正成為下一代傳說 oh~~

頭號刺客的行動 全面通緝的我
精準的 伺機而出 把愛射入你的腦波
愛的刺客行動 我絕不會失手
我就是Killa killa killa killa 別想抗拒no no no

No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1

解碼你的每個動作 攔截你的訊息電流
說說說你說你愛我 你就是我完美的傑作

頭號刺客的行動 全面通緝的我
精準的 伺機而出 把愛射入你的腦波
愛的刺客行動 我絕不會失手
我就是Killa killa killa killa 別想抗拒no no no

No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1
No no no no (killa killa) Baby you’re my No.1

credit: Wilber Pan 潘玮柏

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary