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息: breath; rest; stop


息 xī

: to breath
: to rest
: news
: interest (on an investment or loan)
: to cease; to stop

Kun Reading

息 | いき iki

: breath; breathing
: tone; mood

息む | いきむ ikimu

godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: to strain (e.g. with constipation)
: to bear or push down (during childbirth)

息せき | いきせき ikiseki

: pant; gasp

息つく | いきつく ikitsuku

godan verb with ku ending
: to take a breath; to take a short rest

息づく | いきづく ikizuku

godan verb with ku ending
: to breathe (heavily); to pant; to gasp; to sigh
: to live

息づまる | いきづまる ikizumaru

godan verb with ku ending
: to be breathtaking; to be stifling

On Reading

ソク soku

: [息 | そく soku: (Humble (kenjougo) language / ou-dated) son]


息怒 xi1nu4: to calm down; to quell one’s anger
息爭[争] xi1zheng1: to settle a dispute
息率 xi1lu4: interest rate
息票 xi1piao4: interest coupon; dividend coupon
休息 xiu1xi: rest; to rest [きゅうそく kyuusoku: rest; relief; relaxation]

休養生息 [休养生息] xiu1 yang3 sheng1 xi1: to recover; to recuperate

信息 xin4xi1: information; news; message
出息 chu1xi1: to yield interest, profit etc; to exhale (Buddhism)
氣[气]息 qi4xi1: breath; smell; odor; flavor [気息 | きそく kisoku: breathing; breath]
作息 zuo4xi1: work and rest
消息 xiao1xi: news; information
[しょうそく shousoku: news (from somebody); letter; contact
: (somebody’s) whereabouts; (somebody’s) movements]

消息靈通 [消息灵通] xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1: to be well-informed
消息靈通人士 [消息灵通人士] xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4: well-informed source; person with inside information

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
息子 | むすこ musuko
: (Humble (kenjougo) language) son
: (Colloquialism) penis
息子さん | むすこさん musukosan: son

息女 | そくじょ sokujo: (your, his, her) daughter

息休め | いきやすめ iki yasume
: rest; break time

息が合う | いきがあう iki ga au
: to (work, talk, etc.) together smoothly

息を飲む | いきをのむ iki o nomu
: to catch one’s breath; to gulp; to have one’s breath taken away

息を吐く | いきをはく iki o haku
: to breathe out; to exhale

息を殺す | いきをころす iki o korosu
: to hold one’s breath; to catch one’s breath

一病息災 | いちびょうそくさい ichibyou sokusai
: (yoji) one who experiences a chronic ailment takes better care of his health and lives longer

気息奄奄 | きそくえんえん kisoku enen
: (yoji) gasping for breath; at one’s last gasp; breathing feebly; on the brink of death; more dead than alive

消息不明 | しょうそくふめい shousoku fumei
: (yoji) untraceable; long lost; one’s whereabouts being unknown

無事息災 | ぶじそくさい buji sokusai
: (yoji) safe and healthy; health and longevity

息が掛かる | いきがかかる iki ga kakaru
: to have the personal support of (an influential person); to be under the patronage of

息が切れる | いきがきれる iki ga kireru
: to run out of breath; to be short of breath; to lose one’s breath
: to run out of steam; to be unable to continue; to collapse
: to die

息が詰まる | いきがつまる iki ga tsumaru
: to choke; to have trouble breathing

息せき切る | いきせききる ikiseki karu
: to pant; to gasp

息を飲むよう | いきをのむよう iki o nomu you
: breathtaking; thrilling

息を弾ませる | いきをはずませる iki o hazumaseru
: to pant; to gasp; to be short of breath; to be excited

息を吹き返す | いきをふきかえす iki o fuki kaesu
: to resume breathing; to come around; to come back to life

息の根を止める | いきのねをとめる iki no ne o tomeru
: to kill; to choke the life out of

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom | proverb
息事寧人 [息事宁人] xi1 shi4 ning2 ren2
: to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel

息息相關 [息息相关] xi1 xi1 xiang1 guan1
: closely bound up; intimately related

無聲無息 [无声无息] wu2 sheng1 wu2 xi1
: wordless and uncommunicative; without speaking; taciturn; not providing any news

仰人鼻息 yang3 ren2 bi2 xi1
: to rely on others for the air one breathes; to depend on sb’s whim for one’s living

姑息養奸 [姑息养奸] gu1 xi1 yang3 jian1
: to tolerate is to nurture an evil-doer; spare the rod and spoil the child

川流不息 chuan1 liu2 bu4xi1
: the stream flows without stopping; unending flow

日出而作,日入而息 ri4 chu1 er2 zuo4 , ri4 ru4 er2 xi1
: lit. to get up at sunrise and work until sunset (proverb); fig. to lead a plain and hardworking life

生命不息,戰鬥不止 [生命不息,战斗不止] sheng1 ming4 bu4 xi1 , zhan4 dou4 bu4 zhi3
: while there is life, the fight continues; to fight to the last

息 (xi1: rest, put stop to, end, cease) =
(zi4: self, private, personal; from) +
心 (xin1: heart; mind, intelligence; soul)


ろうじんはいきをひきとった roujin wa iki o hikitotta
The old man breathed his last.


Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary