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稀: rare; sparse

By April 29, 2016December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


稀 xī

: rare; uncommon
: watery; sparse

Kun Reading

稀 | まれ mare

: rare; seldom
: phenomenal, dilute (acid)

On Reading

キ ki,
ケ ke


稀世 xi1shi4: rare [きせい kisei: rare; uncommon]
稀土 xi1tu3: rare earth (chemistry) [きど kido: rare earth]
稀奇 xi1qi2: rare; strange
稀客 xi1ke4: infrequent visitor
稀少 xi1shao3: sparse; rare [きしょう kishou: scarce; rare]
珍稀 zhen2xi1: rare; precious and uncommon
依稀 yi1xi1: vaguely; dimly; probably; very likely
古稀 gu3xi1: seventy years old
[こき koki: seventieth birthday; 70th birthday]
拉稀 la1xi1: (coll.) to have diarrhea; to shrink back; to cower
抽稀 chou1xi1: vacuate

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
稀に見る | まれにみる mare ni miru
: rare; extraordinary; singular

稀少価値 | きしょうかち kishou kachi
: (yoji) scarcity value; rarity value; preciousness

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom | onomatopoeia
抹稀泥 mo3 xi1 ni2
: to try to gloss over things

稀奇古怪 xi1 qi2 gu3 guai4
: crazy; bizarre; weird; fantastic; strange

稀稀拉拉 xi1 xi1 la1 la1
: sparse and fragmentary

稀裏糊塗 [稀里糊涂] xi1 li3 hu2 tu2
: muddleheaded; careless

稀裡嘩啦 [稀里哗啦] xi1 li3 hua1 la1
: (onom.) rustling sound; sound of rain or of something falling down; in disorder; completely smashed; badly battered; broken to pieces

人煙稀少 [人烟稀少] ren2 yan1 xi1 shao3
: no sign of human habitation; desolate

地廣人稀 [地广人稀] di4 guang3 ren2 xi1
: vast, but sparsely populated

物以稀為貴 [物以稀为贵] wu4 yi3 xi1 wei2 gui4
: the rarer something is, the greater its value

形声 Pictophonetic.
(he2: grain radical 115) suggests the meaning while
(xi1: to hope) provides the sound.

Historical Variant:
xi1: to hope; to admire
[まれ mare, こいねがう koinegau. on: キ ki, ケ ke]


これがかれのたったひとつのきぼうであった kore ga kare no tatta hitotsu kibou deatta
This was his one and only hope.


yi1 ge4 shi4zhe3 gei3 ta1 duan1 lai2 yi1bei1 xi1 ka1fei1
A waiter brought her a watery coffee.

稀客 – Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅

為何男孩都這副德性 沒法忍受慾望停定 年輕要任性 外出要盡興 熱戀也像驅車過境
好好觀光 親手攝影 抱抱陌生的背影 然後你繼續行程 玩遍每座城 護照裡蓋上各式簽證

遊客是你 風景是我 無法避免 讓你經過
薔薇如期盛放 遊人如期過路 情人如期相愛至到分開

就像命書中批過 在最後 都化作烏有 但那天曾實在 華麗地邂逅
早發生過 好等你繼續走

年華磨成的精緻優雅 未夠一夜便用完吧 由稀客路過 玩賞讚譽過 甚麼故事也沒留下
山光水色 芳草野花 你那日記寫過嗎 難道我美麗年華 為裝飾一下 夜裡你那無聊的牽掛

遊客是你 風景是我 無法避免 讓你經過
薔薇如期盛放 遊人如期過路 情人如期相愛至到分開

就像命書中批過 在最後 都化作烏有 但那天曾實在 華麗地邂逅
早發生過 好等你繼續走

命運暫且的交錯 在最後 都化作烏有 但那天曾實在 華麗地邂逅
這個詛咒 不知算應了沒有 即使間相戀像化緣 以後 亦無內疚 還哪有藉口

credit: Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary