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軍: military

By December 17, 2015January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

軍 [军] jūn

: army; military; arms

Kun Reading

軍 | いくさ ikusa

: war; battle; campaign; fight
: (Archaism) troops; forces

On Reading

軍 | ぐん gun

noun | noun suffix
: army; force; troops


軍[军]事 jun1shi4: military affairs; military matters; military
[軍事 | ぐんじ gunji: military affairs]
軍隊 [军队] jun1dui4: army; troops [軍隊 | ぐんたい guntai: army; troops]
軍[军]官 jun1’guan1: officer (military)
[軍官憲 | ぐんかんけん gunkan ken: military authorities]
軍艦 [军舰] jun1jian4: warship; military naval vessel
[軍艦 | ぐんかん gunkan: warship; battleship]
軍備 [军备] jun1bei4: (military) arms; armaments
[軍備 | ぐんび gunbi: armaments; military preparations]
冠軍[军] guan4jun1: champion
海軍[军] hai3jun1: navy [海軍 | かいぐん kaigun: navy]
空軍[军] kong1jun1: air force [空軍 | くうぐん kaigun: Air Force]
陸軍 [陆军] lu4jun1: army [陸軍 | りくぐん rikugun: army]
將軍 [将军]jiang1jun1: general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put somebody on the spot
[将軍 | しょうぐん shougun: general; shogun]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
軍紀弛緩 | ぐんきちかん gunki chikan
: (yoji) lack of (slackness in) military discipline; demoralization

*千軍万馬 | せんぐんばんば sengun banba
: (yoji) (having experienced) many battles

**孤軍奮闘 | こぐんふんとう kogun funtou
: (yoji) fighting alone

懸軍万里 | けんぐんばんり kengun banri
: (yoji) military expedition deep into enemy territory

将軍の概が有る | しょうぐんのがいがある shougun no gaigaaru
: to look like a commander

勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍 | かてばかんぐんまければぞくぐん kateba kangun makerebazo kugun
: Losers are always in the wrong

軍門にくだる | ぐんもんにくだる gunmon ni kudaru
: to capitulate; to surrender; to submit to; to concede

敗軍の将は兵を語らず | はいぐんのしょうはへいをかたらず haigun no shou wa hei o katarazu
: (proverb) A defeated general should not talk of the battle

腹が減っては軍は出来ぬ | はらがへってはいくさはできぬ hara ga hette wa ikusa wa dekinu
: an army marches on its stomach; you can’t fight on an empty stomach

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
軍令如山 [军令如山] jun1 ling4 ru2 shan1
: military orders are like mountains; a military order must be obeyed

*千軍萬馬 [千军万马] qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3
: magnificent army with thousands of men and horses; impressive display of manpower; all the King’s horses and all the King’s men

**孤軍奮戰 [孤军奋战] gu1 jun1 fen4 zhan4
: lit. lone army putting up a brave fight; fig. (of a person or group of people) struggling hard without support

敗不成軍 [败不成军] bai4 bu4 cheng2 jun1
: The army is completely routed

異軍突起 [异军突起] yi4 jun1 tu1 qi3
: to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with

千軍易得,一將難求 [千军易得,一将难求] qian1 jun1 yi4 de2 , yi1 jiang4 nan2 qiu2
: Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general

鐵將軍把門 [铁将军把门] tie3 jiang1 jun1 ba3 men2
: lit. General Iron is guarding the door; fig. the door is padlocked — nobody inside

矮子裡拔將軍 [矮子里拔将军] ai3 zi5 li5 ba2 jiang1 jun1
: lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)


会意 Associative Compound.
Men (mistakenly replaced by 冖 mi4: cover radical 14) in
chariots (che1: cart; vehicle).

簡體 Simplified.
军. Derived from generic character simplification rule #14 (車 » 车) via usage of grass script form of character.

bai4jun1 hen3kuai4 jui4 tou2xiang2 le
The beaten army soon surrendered.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary