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夫: husband, man | this, that


夫 fū

: husband, man
: manual worker; conscripted laborer (old)

夫 fú

: (classical) this, that; he, she, they
: (exclamatory final particle)
: (initial particle, introduces an opinion)

Kun Reading

夫 | つま tsuma

also 妻 qi1 | つま tsuma
: wife
: (Archaism) dear (formerly used by romantically linked men and women to refer to one another)
: (Usually written using kana alone) garnish (esp. one served with sashimi)
: (Usually written using kana alone) embellishment

夫 | おっと otto

: husband

夫 | それ sore


On Reading

フ fu
フウ fuu
ブ bu


夫人 fu1ren: lady; madam; Mrs.
[ふじん fujin: (Honorific or respectful language) wife; Mrs; madam;
: (Archaism) wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.)
: (Archaism) consort of the emperor]
夫妻 fu1qi1: husband and wife; married couple
[ふさい fusai: man and wife; married couple]
夫婦[妇] fu1fu4: a (married) couple; husband and wife
[夫婦 | ふうふ fuufu: married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair]
夫子 fu1zi3: Master; (old form of address for teachers, scholars); pedant

孔夫子 kong3 fu1 zi3 : Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese thinker and social philosopher, also known as 孔子Kong3 zi3 [こうふうし koufuushi: Confucius]  

Confucius (551–479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. Confucius is traditionally credited with having authored or edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics, but modern scholars are cautious of attributing specific assertions to Confucius himself. Aphorisms concerning his teachings were compiled in the Analects, but only many years after his death. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives. He is a well-quoted man, espousing the well-known principle: “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself,” an early version of the Golden Rule.

ji3 suo3 bu4 yu4, wu4 shi1 yu2 ren2
“What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.”

Zi Gong [a disciple] asked: “Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?”
The Master replied: “How about ‘reciprocity’! Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.”
– Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton


老夫子 lao3 fu1zi3: Chinese manhua 漫畫 comic – Old Master Q
Old Master Q is a popular Chinese manhua created by Alfonso Wong. The cartoon first appeared in the newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong in 1962, and later serialized in 1964 and is ongoing.

工夫 gong1fu: period of time (may be months, or mere seconds); spare time; skill; labor; effort
工夫 gong1fu1: casual labor
[くふう kufuu: scheme; device; scheming; devising; figuring out; coming up with; solving ingeniously
: dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation)
こうふ koufu: laborer; blue-collar worker]
丈夫 zhang4 fu5: husband
[じょうぶ joubu: healthy; robust; strong; solid; durable
じょうふ joufu OR ますらお masurao: hero; manly person; warrior]

大丈夫 da4 zhang4 fu5: a manly man; a man of character
[だいじょうぶ daijoubu: safe; all right; OK; okay]

大夫 da4fu1: doctor; physician; senior official (in imperial China)
[たいふ taifu OR だいぶ daibu: high steward; grand master
たゆう tayuu: high-ranking Noh actor
: head of a school of noh performance
: high ranking courtesan (esp. in Yoshiwara) (Edo-period)
: joruri narrator; manzai narrator
: female role actor in kabuki
: low ranking priest in a Shinto shrine
匹夫 pi3fu1: ordinary man; ignorant person; coarse fellow
[ひっぷ hippu: (humble) man; coarse man; rustic]
凡夫 fan2fu1: common person; ordinary guy; mortal man
[ぼんぷ bonbu: ordinary person
: (Buddhist term) prthag-jana (unenlightened person)]
車[车]夫 che1fu1: cart driver; coachman
[しゃふ shafu: rickshaw puller; rickshaw driver]
農[农]夫 nong2fu1: peasant; farmer [農夫 | のうふ noufu: peasant]
伙夫 huo3fu1: (old) mess cook
未婚夫 wei4hun1 fu1: fiancé
[許嫁 | きょか kyoka OR きょこん kyokon: fiance; fiancee]
馬爾地夫 [马尔地夫] ma3 er3 di4 fu1: Maldives

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
夫々 | それぞれ sore zore
: each; every; either; respectively; severally

夫婦円満 | ふうふえんまん fuufu enman
: (yoji) matrimonial happiness; happy marriage

専業主夫 | せんぎょうしゅふ sengyoushufu
: (yoji) full-time house-husband; stay-at-home dad

匹夫匹婦 | ひっぷひっぷ hippu hippu
: (yoji) coarse men and women

*姦夫姦婦 | かんぷかんぷ kanpu kanpu
: (yoji) adulterer and adulteress; adulterous couple

田夫野人 | でんぷやじん denpuyajin
: (yoji) rustic; boor; hick

鴛鴦夫婦 | おしどりふうふ oshidori fuufu
: loving couple; couple of lovebirds; happily married couple (who are always together)

夫婦気取り | めおときどり meoto kidori
: behaving (posing) as if they were a married couple

夫を立てる | おっとをたてる otto o tateru
: to treat one’s husband with due respect

夫に嫌われる | おっとにきらわれる otto ni kirawareru
: to lose one’s husband’s love

夫婦の縁を結ぶ | ふうふのえんをむすぶ fuufu no en o musubu
: to get married

似た者夫婦 | にたものふうふ nita mono fuufu
: like man, like wife; like marries like

おしどり夫婦 | おしどりふうふ oshidori fuufu
: loving couple; couple of lovebirds; happily married couple (who are always together)

夫婦喧嘩は犬も食わない | ふうふげんかはいぬもくわない fuufu genka wa inu mo kuwanai
: One should not interfere in lover’s quarrels

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
夫善則妻賢 fu1 qiang1 ze2 qi1 xian2
A good husband makes a good wife.

夫子自道 fu1 zi3 zi4 dao4
: appearing to be praising others while actually praising yourself; one’s criticism of others exposes one’s own faults

*姦夫淫婦 [奸夫淫妇] jian1 fu1 yin2 fu4
: adulterous couple

凡夫俗子 fan2 fu1 su2 zi3
: common people; ordinary folk

民賊獨夫 [民贼独夫] min2 zei2 du2 fu1
: tyrant and oppressor of the people; traitorous dictator

一夫當關,萬夫莫開 [一夫当关,万夫莫开] yi1 fu1 dang1 guan1 , wan4 fu1 mo4 kai1
: If one man holds the pass, ten thousand cannot pass. One man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies

只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針 [只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针] zhi3 yao4 gong1 fu5 shen1 , tie3 chu3 mo2 cheng2 zhen1
: If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle.
cf 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle; fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently

大丈夫能屈能伸 da4 zhang4 fu5 neng2 qu1 neng2 shen1
: A leader can submit or can stand tall as required. Ready to give and take; flexible

天下興亡,匹夫有責 [天下兴亡,匹夫有责] tian1 xia4 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2
國家興亡,匹夫有責 [国家兴亡,匹夫有责] guo2 jia1 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2
: The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone. Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.

踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 [踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫] de2 lai2 quan2 bu4 fei4 gong1 fu5
: to travel far and wide looking for something, only to find it easily


会意 Associative Compound.
A person 大 (da4: big) with hair held together
by a hairpin 一 (yi1: one).



: day; sky
[kun: あま ama, あめ ame. on: てん ten]


: arrow; dart
[kun: や ya, やがら yagara, やじり yajiri. on: シ shi]


: to lose, to miss, to fail
[kun: うせる useru, うせろ usero, うしなう ushinau, なくす nakusu. on: しつ shitsu, itsu]


: grain; cereal; radical 115
[kun: いね ine, のぎへん nogihen. on: カ ka]


: vermillion | cinnabar
[あか aka, あけ ake, あかい akai. on: しゅ shu]


: first; former; previous
[kun: さき saki, さきに sakini, さきんじる sakinjiru, まず mazu. on: せん sen]


かのじょわだいじょうぶか kanojo wa daijoubu ka
Is she alright?

ta1 de zhang4fu1 shi4 ge4 wai4guo2ren2
Her husband is a foreigner.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary