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戰: to fight; war

By April 21, 2014January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

戰 [战] zhàn

: to fight; fight; war; battle

Kun Reading

戦 | いくさ ikusa

: war; battle; campaign; fight
: (Archaism) troops; forces

戦ぐ | そよぐ soyogu

Godan verb with gu ending | intransitive verb
: to rustle; to stir; to flutter

戦い | たたかい tatakai

: battle; fight; struggle; conflict

戦う | たたかう tatakau

Godan verb with u ending | intransitive verb
: to fight; to battle; to combat; to struggle against; to wage war; to engage in contest

On Reading

戦 | せん sen

: war; battle
: match; competition


戰勝[战胜] zhan4sheng4: to prevail over; to defeat; to surmount
[戦勝 | せんしょう senshou: victory; triumph]
戰[战]士 zhan4shi4: fighter; soldier; warrior
[戦士 | せんし senshi]
戰[战]略 zhan4lüe4: strategy
[戦略 | せんりゃく senryaku: strategy; tactics]
戰術[战术] zhan4shu4: tactics
[戦術 | せんじゅつ senjutsu]
戰爭[战争] zhan4zheng1: war; conflict
[戦争 | せんそう sensou: war]
作戰[战] zuo4zhan4: combat; to fight
[作戦 | さくせん sakusen: tactics; military or naval ops]
挑戰[战] tiao3zhan4: to challenge
[挑戦 | ちょうせん chousen: challenge; defiance]
內戰[内战] nei4zhan4: civil war
[内戦 | ないせん naisen]
奮戰[奋战] fen44zhan4: to fight bravely
[奮戦 | ふんせん funsen: hard fighting]

Japanese common word / expression / idiomatic expression
戰隊 | せんたい sentai: squadron

挑戦いかに | ちょうせんいかに chousen ikani: how dare you!

戦いを挑む | たたかいをいどむ tatakai o domu
: to challenge (a person) to a fight

戰國時代 [战国时代] zhan4 guo2 shi2 dai4: the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
戦国時代 | せんごくじだい sengoku jitai: Warring States period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE)

Sengoku Basara (戦国BASARA) is a franchise created by Capcom, including video games and two anime series and an animated film. Its story is very loosely based around the many real characters and events of the titular Sengoku era in the history of feudal Japan.

*敵を知り己を知れば百戦危うからず | てきをしりおのをしればひゃくせんあやうからず teki o shiriono o shireba hyaku senayau karazu
: know your enemy, know thyself, and you shall not fear a hundred battles

Chinese idiom
赤壁之戰 [赤壁之战] chi4 bi4 zhi1 zhan4
: Battle of Redcliff of 208 at Chibi in Huangzhou district 黃州區, a decisive defeat of Cao Cao 曹操 at the hands of southern kingdom of Wu; famous episode in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義

心驚膽戰 [心惊胆战] xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4
: lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear: prostrating with fear; scared witless

有征無戰 [有征无战] you3 zheng1 wu2 zhan4
: to win without a fight

戰無不勝,攻無不克 [战无不胜,攻无不克] zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4 , gong1 wu2 bu4 ke4
: to triumph in every battle and win every fight: all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can’t do

*知己知彼,百戰不殆 [知己知彼,百战不殆] zhi1 ji3 zhi1 bi3 , bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4
: know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated
(from Sunzi’s “The Art of War” 孫子兵法 [Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])


会意 Associative Compound.
One weapon 單 (dan1: single; only) against another
(ge1: halberd; lance radical 62)

形声 Pictophonetic.
(ge1: halberd; lance radical 62) suggests the meaning while
單 (dan1: single; only) provides the sound.

形声 Pictophonetic.
(ge1: halberd; lance radical 62) suggests the meaning while
(zhan4: divine; observe) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
战. Created as unique simplification #323 (戰 » 战) via replacement of character component.

Historical / Japanese variant: 戦

sheng1wu4zhan4 hen3 ke3pa4.
Biological warfare is dreadful (formidable / terrible).

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary