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鄉: country(side); native place

By October 28, 2013January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


鄉 [乡] xiāng

: country or countryside; native place

Kun Reading

郷 | さと sato

: village
: countryside

On Reading

きょう kyou

: hometown

ごう gou

: countryside


鄉下 xiang1xia4: country; rural OR 下鄉: to go to the countryside
鄉村 xiang1cun1: rustic; village; countryside
[ごうそん gouson: villages]
鄉親[乡亲] xiang1qin1: fellow countryman (from the same village); local people; villager
鄉音 xiang1yin1: local accent
[郷音|さとね satone: name]
鄉土 xiang1tu3: native soil; local
[きょうど kyoudo: native place; one’s old home]
鄉愁 xiang1chou2: homesick; nostalgia
[きょうしゅう kyoushuu]
思鄉 si1xiang1: b home sick
[しきょう shikyou: name]
家鄉 jia1xiang1: hometown; native place
[かきょう kakyou: one’s homeland]
故鄉 gu4xiang1: homeland
[故郷|ふるさと furusato: hometown; birthplace]
鄉巴佬 xiang1 ba1 lao3: (derog.) villager; hick; bumpkin
家鄉菜 jia1 xiang1 cai4: regional dish; local cuisine
上山下鄉 shang4 shan1 xia4 xiang1
: to work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers); forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals

Japanese expression
郷に入らば郷に従え|ごうにいらばごうにしたがえ gou ni iraba gou ni shitagae
: when in Rome, do as the Romans

Chinese idiom
入鄉隨俗 ru4 xiang1 sui2 su2
: When you enter a village, follow the local customs: do as the natives do; When in Rome, do as the Romans
衣錦還鄉 [衣锦还乡] yi4 jin3 huan2 xiang1
:to return to one’s hometown in silken robes: to return in glory


会意 Associative Compound.
Two men (now 乡 (xiang1: hometown + ⻏(city radical) kneeling over
food 良 (liang2: good)

形声 Pictophonetic.
郎 (lang2: gentleman) suggests the meaning while
乡 (xiang1: country) provides the sound.

假借 Phonetic Loan.
Original form of 饗 (xiang3: host a banquet).

簡體 Simplified
Simplified form is 乡.
Created as generic character simplification #112 (鄉 » 乡) via omission of part of the traditional character.

Historical Variant: 鄕
形声 Pictophonetic.
(bi1: kernel), ⻏ (city radical) suggest the meaning while
乡 (xiang1: country; rural) provides the sound.

Semantic: 郷


wo3 de jia1xiang1 fei1chang2 mei3.
My hometown is very beautiful.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary